
Joined: May 24 2009

aka cake eater

Leofox's Favorite Games

by Nielz | Jun 30 2011
Share files, code, pictures and music, play snake and hangman with your friends and ofcourse: chat!
by Goukaryuu | Sep 3 2009
Tags: anime
Choose your starter digimon, level up, digivolve, fight with other players in arena and defeat all the bosses. More to ...
by Kevin208 | Jul 17 2010
It took a couple of Dragonballs to wish this back up.
Make your own text-based roleplay!
With a Nintendo character under your control, you either run and hide from or chase your friends in many classic levels. ...
by Falacy | May 15 2010
Tags: icons
Icons for BYOND to share! Uploaded by the BYOND community.
by Oondivinezin | Jun 29 2014
Battle challengers from other universes!
by Ashley_Laww | Nov 22 2014
Tags: anime, ninja
A super lit naruto team fighting game.
Offically the new awesomest most naruto game in byond History! Must play!!
by Mechana2412 | Aug 25 2006
Retro PAU now being hosted!
by Fire_Laena | Aug 19 2011
Tags: fangame
Become a Pokemon or trainer, and join our growing community!
by Zete | Sep 11 2009
Tags: fangame
An Online Turn-Based Strategy RPG - Play as a Team!
A Sonic the Hedgehog Roleplay, with Music that makes it all the better!
Create your own text-based roleplays, using the power of an RPG Battle System!
A fighting game based off Heroes of Shonen Jump by Team Mana - Who will be the best battler?
Battle it out with characters from all over the sonic Universe!
Initiating Project Vox... {Single/Co-Op RPG}
RPG of One's Decisions Affects The World - Requires Byond Ver. 513.1524+
by Twaon | May 12 2013
A bundle of different types of text based games.
by The_Zergling | Feb 7 2011
One of the original Zelda games on byond Brought Back!