| Ah, it's magic, ok gotch ya.
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| Actually, his original ban, if I recall correctly, was that he was to be banned until it was decided he could come …
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| I know how that is, my Algebra 1 average is currently a 56, except my mom has no idea until we get our progress reports …
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| I don't think that anybody hates you for smoking, I think people don't like you for coming out and wearing it like a …
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| I put on a muscle man upper-body shirt with huge pillowy muscles. Pretty good time at school seeing everybody elses …
6 |
| Get a company that will let you customize your pc, or you should make your own. I suggest getting a Geforce 4 FX card …
5 |
| Theodis wrote: > Now that you've weeded out any possible redeeming values I think it may be best for me to just avoid …
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| Anybody who says such a thing obviously is a drowned out person who sees anything that gets into the spotlight as …
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| You can play steam free if you have a copy of half-life, but its 10 bucks a month if you don't.
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| There is no sure way to tell if your mom will survive or not, so I can't aid you there. Although, being a man of …
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| What really interests me about Half-Life 2 is that even with all these advancements, it's still going to be made for …
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| It's your rating and opinion, so people might think different but that doesn't matter since we all have different …
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| I'd have to say learning the song "Smells like Teen Spirit", by Nirvana would be the best starting song, I basically …
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| Thats why you should of walked out in a catholic school uniform one day while blasting ACDC, that would be interesting …
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| It's because the Final Fantasy series is built upon different stores for each sequel, so they each come off their own …
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| Obviously its not something put through the family if he got it after being engaged in combat.
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| The server does have to keep you updated on how the sounds should be heard depending on where the person is firing, …
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| I am rather disturbed at the thought of being sent to court for murder after having 3 online gamers report me for …
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| Stealing is stealing, your lucky that this country doesn't believe in cutting off the hands/fingers of thieves, …
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| Numb-minded? Thats quite an assumption for people who don't care if a video game is violent or not. Maybe you are to …
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| I wouldn't mind seeing the pictures for proof. >Kusanagi>
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| If you have a mod chip, that might be the problem. >Kusanagi>
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| Here's a protip from an old Gamepro: Don't post your dating problems on a game forum, you might be in the section where …
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| Yama wrote: > Most people who revere things blindly are also known to be belligerent and illiterate. News at 11. buh …
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| Congratulations! Just remember, if 1 is too much of a mess for you then try to imagine having 6 kids with another one …
10 |
| I never have truly strange dreams, thats only on off occasions. Usually I dream about stuff that just happened before I …
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| Even by saying that about their tech support, your not putting them down hard enough. From all of my experiences they …
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| With pulse rifles, alright! Sorry, just was tempted to put words in your mouth. >Kusanagi>
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| It took me a few years to realize it, but Tae Kwon Do is a joke. >Kusanagi>
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| Actually, the guy said he was strong and began bragging on the forums, and every other post was about him doing this …
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| I prefer 5) Communicate with real life friends, then go to the BYOND forums and talk with these crazy people. Seriously …
7 |
| No, thats a vivid assumption. I don't care if they know where I am, if I'm not doing anything bad then I don't have to …
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| Computers aren't doing anything but serving us, and unless you consider entering in commands help, then your strongly …
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| I looked for a while, but gave up when I didn't see my name, I'm hurt Maz, even though I have never really had a …
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| Just thanking him on the forums.... That there is an illegal action here sonny. I believe one of the rules states that …
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| There is a mud I played a while back that was based off of the Warcraft genre. You would really enjoy it if you like …
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| It's great except that the spiraling thing at the start, right before it says Create Games, it starts off again and …
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| Then people would just ask people to rate their games on a G basis and get their friends to also do it. Thus making …
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| If you read the history of BYOND you would know, or assume, that it was probably created in early or mid 90s, I suspect …
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| There are users who's song list reaches well over 1,000, and I know a lot of those people who havn't been found out …
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| I prefer working than school by far ;). Although, from my current summer job(Working at a skating ring.) I have found …
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| Hey, my head is used to help make rum :). Next time, use words within their meaning. >Kusanagi>
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| They aren't harboring criminals. Thats like saying you might as well take down all the locksmiths and locksmithing …
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| A 3 year old computer can run Half-Life, so why is it on your list? Unless you mean Half-Life 2.[EDIT] Well, actually …
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| This is not nearly as sad as the Counter-Strike community... one of the reasons why I uninstalled the game and broke my …
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| Has anybody heard of Half-Life 2? That must be the least thought about question you have ever asked.... I mean, …
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| I think the word "n00b" goes way down under to the level of idiotic. >Kusanagi>
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| Hafhafhafhafhaf!?! You would doubt his knowledge of Apple working, well you must be very confused.... Although, the …
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| He is probably thinking of Rise of Rome.... >Kusanagi>
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