
Joined: Feb 4 2011


Sep 25 2011, 6:33 am
hi kris if you want a game that is your own than contact me on pager i can make one for you =D

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Kris3002's Favorite Games

by Teka123 | Dec 23 2011
Fantasy, RPG, Adventure:-Beta - Download available.
by ClassicWhatev | Jul 5 2006
Action-RPG with Original Coding. Can you be the strongest?
by Mr.Destruction | Mar 25 2012
24/7 Hosting. If Download doesn't work, Add me on Pager and join my session.
Ruination, a multiplayer action rpg that's updated regularly with the community's contribution.
by Crew of Legends Gaming | Mar 15 2016
Tags: action, adventure, pvp
Learn the art of fighting, train yourself to your full potential. And show the world how great you are.
Player Wipe Coming Jan 1st 2021 (W/ Major Update)
by McMekko | Nov 23 2015
Dragonball Supreme Chaos will be back soon ( updated 16-02-2019)
by Critical172 | May 25 2014
A new DBZ game
Train to become the strongest!
Action based DBZ game.
by Falacy | Feb 20 2011
Battle alongside your allies in an effort to defend loot from hordes of monsters!
by Falacy | Jul 3 2011
Join HU on Discord @
War is a-foot! Heroes, Villains, Akatsuki. Choose your side in this new original Naruto Sidescroller!
by Louisthe10 | May 19 2008
Tags: anime
Well its coming back, however once completed its going to be as is just for the fans.
Join various worlds in a battle between the evil and the good!
by Ashley_Laww | Nov 22 2014
Tags: anime, ninja
A super lit naruto team fighting game.
by Gogeta_00 | Jun 26 2008
Pokémon Bayshue, A retro-esque Pokemon RPG strongly inspired by the classics
Check out our discord @
by Mitz001 | Mar 15 2014
Tags: adventure, anime, pvp, rpg
Real-time Pokemon battle sim and features the most up-to-date roster you can play on the platform!
Retired Page for Dragonball Ruination
by Foomer | Mar 10 2008
Tags: scifi, strategy
A game about taking over the solar system before your enemies do!