| xD. I see. I'm not sure then. Whichever way makes you feel better is the best way I guess.
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| Fixed. It somewhat does it itself.
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| I guess I'll have to do the old Trial and Error. I'm too stubborn to change as of yet.
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| -Looks at the GFX and Icon pack, then looks at Jittai. He repeats this process several times-
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| Come back to BYOND, Gooose :/
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| Please change the icons...All of them except the base. It looks like it will be a good game if you change them.
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| Darkes games always look good. This one just needs a steady community and it's good to go, IMO.
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| Taitz wrote: > Did you ever think about confronting this guy? Sounds to me like he was just trying to justify his own …
41 |
| So true ^^. The game is on halt due to another upcoming and promising project ;D!
64 |
| So I see. That's good then. And with the criticism, take it into consideration, however be sure that you can tell the …
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| Hehehe! You better make this game fun! GL!
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| Lies. THIS IS SPAR- I shouldn't recycle old jokes :-(
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| Morton1 wrote: > Saving time and energy for future viewers, and yes the gameplay is crap. > Stupidly huge mostly empty …
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| 1. Family Feuds (for whatever reason) 2. Opposite Elements {Fire || Water} (Maybe if it is a fantasy game) 3. Look at …
34 |
| Solomn Architect wrote: > Kboy33 wrote: > > Thanks Solemn and Kyle! I was thinking along your lines Kyle, for Round …
21 |
| Lavitiz wrote: > Albro1 wrote: > > Tl;dr >
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| I usually go: Planning (storyline too) on a notepad/paper > Login > Vars > Actual gameplay e.g Attacks and Systems > …
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| -Looks at Teka- Yup. No one gave you it. Twas a god sent gift.
5 |
| Flick wrote: > FIREking wrote: > > @Tom > > "get my audio-in fixed"... > > > > Who fixes an "audio in" on a computer? > …
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| EmpirezTeam wrote: > teka is secretly bill gates or something, that's the only way someone can afford giving 500 a …
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| Sorry for my bum-like attitude on May the 28th. Anyway, it somewhat magically fixed itself (really, it did) and it's …
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| Hashtag is this guys first fan Hashtag.
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| I like your game :) Keep it up @(u_u)@
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| I made that banner v_v. I wish :'(
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| This is starting to go off topic, and I have a feeling you're trying to instigate. We both have different opinions. No …
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| Ahh I see. If you don't mind, what is this new project?
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| No Toby! I liked them .-. Hell, atleast they taught me something xD
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| :@ Nononononono gotta enter!
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| No prob! No prob! No prob!
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| Yut Put wrote: > 13* No Cigar.
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| Too bad I never got to play it. I'm making my own DM game anyway..
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| Good job. Should help boost the communitys attitude a bit ^^ Don't count me in tho, I have some time left.
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| Nice Kid. Also, did you get my house I sent to you?
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| Not dumb and lazy. It's another way of thinking about it. Branks, try to not put people down.
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| It still happens .-. Ahh...
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Jul 22 2014, 6:37 am