| You're all wrong. Clearly it's an acronym that is intended to be said one letter at a time. B.Y.O.N.D. See? How hard is …
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| Yeah, I did think that plugging in headphones forced the swap, but I've never had the chance to see whether bluetooth …
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| I hate the idea of valentines day because it's like it's supposed to be the only day of the year where you're sweet to …
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| Meh, I guess it was majorly just the conclusion we disagreed on. Sorry. Either way, stories in games become moot the …
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| God damnit, Rush. I want pie, now...
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| Petja12 wrote: > We can make videos for Youtube [...] > > Lets leave Google out of this for now. I just-... I'm not …
15 |
| Fugsnarf wrote: > This guy Brady has a really awesome set of channels: Computerphile, Numberphile, Sixty Symbols, …
9 |
| Ladybeard is just... solid gold... He's amazing.
6 |
| Speak of a slide show, I'd really love to have a features games reel again. I know it wouldn't exactly be updated all …
76 |
| Personally, my suggestion would be to use invisible dense areas to prevent this from happening. You can bump things …
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| I have a local anime club in my town. It's basically a weekly get together held by a couple convention directors who …
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| I wish I had the privilege of having pre-made mountain prints. I hand drew everything in this image, except for the …
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| Ugh, go to bed you nocturnal bloodsuckers!
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| I guess you could call it a collection. I've been starting to pick up Warhammer 40k figures here and there. Already …
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| Merry Christmas you lonely, cynical assholes!
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| Doohl wrote: > Octopussi For the love of God, please. No one Google this trying to search for clever hentai jokes. You …
12 |
| EmpirezTeam wrote: > A lot of rappers, including Drake, have made note in their songs that they have to dumb songs down …
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| My advice would be to either go RPG or go Strategy. Trying to feather the line and turning it into two games in one …
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| Fugsnarf wrote: > Maybe because it's spelled sundae, making it an entirely different word. We don't recognize them …
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| Soon... very soon now... senpai shall have no choice but to notice us...
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| It's enabled by default, which is why it causes the problems it does. When people don't know the option exists, they …
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| The best advice we can give you is to just use the default system until you find that you need to add new functionality …
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| Rushnut wrote: > I assume you meant UNTZ UNTZ UNTZ UNTZ Oh... my god. I better call Saul, because you can SUE ME! <3
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| Animations only cost that much if you're a good animator and sadly, most people here aren't. If you're an artist but …
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| I think having a character who learns about the world with the player would be nice. A lot of stories just assume the …
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| And I thought I was in a shitty spot living in Chattanooga, TN... My condolences go to you in south Georgia...
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| Ghost of ET wrote: > Yut Put wrote: > > Ter13 wrote: > > > Turning 29 soon. I can never remember how old I am and have …
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| I thought so too, so I actually started preemptively bringing in the arps and leads 8 bars sooner just to give more …
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| Since most contributions to games from my end would come from music and sound design, I'd have to say a resounding no …
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| He might be referring to transform controls on a selected area, such as in Photoshop when you select something with the …
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| EmpirezTeam wrote: > I play real solo queue - no friends, no teammates I can communicate easy with. Just me against the …
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| ISIS wants to be ignored. The less attention they have, the more successful their civil war becomes. The more …
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| splittext() has me feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. <3
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| Very good background tracks, all leveled well and the effects are clean. I would like to hear more of your work that …
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| DM is like programming in a body cast. But C++ is like programming naked... Good times. It's nice to feel the breeze …
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| I just factory reset it and I'm using it right now. My old laptop blew up and I've been using a friend's. It's nice …
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| Pops has been busy this week. ;)
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| I can gfx good if I can have GM.
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| NNAAAAHH wrote: > They'll call you the 'proper pronoun killer', you know that; right? Funny... Funny guy. Fucking …
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| Eternal_Memories wrote: > it's not like I can do anything better to help the community. Did you just get done saying …
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| I'm getting more and more use out of this block button every day.
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Nov 3 2015, 8:41 pm