| Does anybody know a diffrent programing language besides BYOND? -Kappa the Imp
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| Damn,I only have $8.70 cents in BYOND Wallet....How do you all get so much? -Kappa the Imp
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| I'm selling icons for 3 dimes each. AIM:Dan321ny
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| JordanUl wrote: > Ahahaha HAHAHHA.NO MORE USELSS POSTS!!!
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| Every time i press tabs one of my windows come up,like aim,those little arrows don't come up,wtf is going on???? -Kappa …
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| How is Migzor hacking the rsc?Im thinking its impossible. -Kappa the Imp
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| Foomer,I think you should've understood what I said.If u didn't re-read my post(I think that ur just being stupid :P) …
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| PLEASE if u have a base icon(a bald on with a head and body)please send one to me,I NEED ONE REAL BADLLY,THANKS! My …
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| Dragonball Zeta is the best DBZ game I know off,It doesn't have that much DBZ which makes it good!:). -Kappa the Imp
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| I play Basketball,I won the Basketball shootout for my grade :). -Kappa the Imp
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| C'ya K'ros!Hope you come back(if)! -Kappa the Imp
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| I'm just wondering,has anybody used my attack system in there game?If u did,PLEASE REPLY AND TELL ME!Thanks! -Kappa the …
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| mob/Login() if("Super Saiyan"in src.name) src SERVER CLOSING IN 10 SECONDS!" sleep(100) del(src) mob/verb/Reboot() …
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| Cya!Please come back soon! -Kappa the Imp
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| Nadrew wrote: > Spuzzum wrote: > > Nadrew wrote: > > > It was never actually accepted to the channels[snip] > > > > …
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| What did u do?Did u create a Hub Entry?
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| SHUT UP,GREEN DICE,nobody wants u around.SHUT UP,I'm sick off your stupid comments,and calling everybody a idiot when u …
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| Make your own,thats the point,and not a Rip off of Genises. -Kappa the Imp
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