| i agree with Bravo1 because it says on the byond site that there is over 5000 members online. i really doubt that this …
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| i put step_size in world, and i should have put it in mob/player. still it has no effect. if i can't get this to work, …
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| I think that you misunderstood my post. I am saying that multiple columns are needed but they should be independent of …
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| great update Forum_account :)
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| i should have figured this out myself. the problem was that i was using an item as a tag which was moving the mob to …
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| in version 10, could you provide a way to disband a party member and cancel a quest?
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| i have noticed that you have a size limit for parties coming in version 10. the quests also need a size limit or that …
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| sorry if this is a duplicate post but i really did not understand the "ability" topic. here is my ideas about what i …
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| yes, the extra slots for each ability would be great for other magic and arrow levels.
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| it works. i will remember to use the ..() statement
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| i would like to give an ability to a player that completes some sort of quest. therefore, i would like to add one …
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| hi Forum_account. i must admit that i am very looking forward to this next update. the game demo i bet will be packed …
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| Forum_account, i know that you don't want to include the player vs player in the framework but you were also saying …
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| mob.prompt(page_1, null) mob.prompt(page_2, null) var/choice = mob.prompt(page_3, "Accept", "Cancel") how about for …
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| i agree that it should be keyboard only. that way you could have some option for each letter of the keyboard. you could …
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| Kalster wrote: > > if the green-ooze is attacking the blue-ooze and the green-ooze is the first to die, the green-ooze …
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| Kalster wrote: > > Health and mana gauge: > > request to have the health and mana gauge underneath each player and …
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| client key_down(k) ..() if(k == "g") usr when the Action RPG Framework library is enabled and the above code is added …
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