
Joined: Dec 13 2019

Kaitop's Favorite Games

New Game Mode: Battle Arena, and Free to play steam period!
by Onikitsu | Apr 12 2020
Tags: action, anime
A redirect server to an old fan favorite!
by William_Hatake | Jan 23 2012
Os Cavaleiros Do Zodíaco - Fantasy
Become a marine to maintain peace, or become a pirate and be a true savage!
by Ryan-hemsley | Sep 27 2013
A game in development based on the anime Fairy Tail by Hiro Mashima.
by Kayaba | May 5 2016
Tags: action, adventure, pvp
Come to unleash your aura and hunt fun or foes.
WotV is a game inspired by one of the best unrecognized Anime out there.
An Izou Based PVP Game Based Around Masashi Kishimoto's Creations, Naruto And Naruto Shippuden
A long standing Byond game, continually updated, that progresses alongside the series. Challenge the world of Ninjas, ...
by Czoaf | Jun 29 2016
Be remembered as a good sailor or be the most terrifying pirate
by CopyNinja_Hell | Feb 27 2010
Saint Seiya MMORPG
by Narutogx2 | Jul 26 2009
Tags: action, anime, pve, pvp
An Up And Returning Bleach Game
Melhor jogo de Piratas! / Best Pirate Game

Kaitop's Favorite People