Medals Kaiser300697 can earn in
his favorite games, and all games in which Kaiser300697 has already earned some medals
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Have an Active Stray Games Subscription |
BYOND Member
Have an Active BYOND Membership |
Sub Member
Have an Active Subcription and Membership |
Have an active SG Subscription |
BYOND Member
Have an active BYOND Membership |
Time Flies
Complete the 16th Story Mission |
An Imperfect Match
Complete the 17th Story Mission |
A Perfect Being
Complete the 18th Story Mission |
Cell Games Begin
Complete the 19th Story Mission |
Cell Games Intermission
Complete the 20th Story Mission |
Cell Games Finale
Complete the 21st Story Mission |
The World Tournament
Complete the 22nd Story Mission |
Demon King Dabura
Complete the 23rd Story Mission |
Peace vs Pride
Complete the 24th Story Mission |
A Great Sacrifice
Complete the 25th Story Mission |
Supreme Training
Complete the 26th Story Mission |
The Fusion
Complete the 27th Story Mission |
Buu's Trick
Complete the 28th Story Mission |
Mystic vs Majin
Complete the 29th Story Mission |
An Inside Job
Complete the 30th Story Mission |
Kid Buu Emerges
Complete the 31st Story Mission |
Farewell Buu
Complete the Final Buu Saga Story |
Tournament of Destroyers
Complete the 34th Story Mission |
Saiyan & Kai
Complete 35th Story Mission |
Super Vegito
Complete 36th Story Mission |
Lucky Number 7
Grant 7 wishes with the Dragonballs |
I'm Still Here
Revive 100 times as a Majin |
Dende in the Flesh
Heal 400 times as a Namekian |
I Hate Monkeys
Kill 50 Saiyans as an Alien |
Last Stand
Reach 1 PL on the dot without using suicidal skills |
What A Waste
Fail to use your Saiyan Ability 50 times |
Too Fast Too Furious
Super Spirit Bomb
Kill 10 people with one spirit bomb |
Talk to King Kai for the first time |
Have 100 ki clash cancels |
What A Puny Attack
Cash Rules Everything Around Me
Casino Man
Lose all zenni on a gamble |
Speedy Gonzalis
Use After Image 500 times |
Ki For Days
Successfully use Android Absorption 500 times |
Blasted to Bits
Successfully land 2,000 ki blasts while using accel shot |
Successfully land 500 launch combos |
Successfully land 1,200 launch combos |
Are those Stars Real?
Successfully land dazing punch 2,000 times |
Whose Cool Now
Kill at least 30 coolers in the mini-challenge |
Risk Taker
Shoot 500 ki blasts while using Neo Tri Beam |
Snake Way Demon
Travel Snake Way 500 times |
Grind Master
Highway to Heaven
Rain Ninja
You have started out as a Rain Ninja. |
Clan Leader
You've become a leader of a Clan! |
The Amekoutei is the supreme leader of Rain who is considered the most strongest of the village and also the best leader. |
The Tsuchikage is the supreme leader of Rock who is considered the most strongest of the village and also the best leader. |
The Otokami is the supreme leader of Sound who is considered the most strongest of the village and also the best leader. |
Black Flames
Everybody Hates A Sasuke
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