| Doughy One wrote: > Been broke for something like 5+ years? Really? That long? Doesn't seem like that but if it has …
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| Hello, thank you for the support. I'm not really actively working on Project Talon anymore because, well, life has …
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| By the way, I forgot to mention basic training is OPTIONAL in version 15+
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| Version 16 is now available for download. You can view the updates from this thread, starting from this post: …
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| I haven't renewed my BYOND membership in 2 years, but I just did it today again. I like that you get all your old stuff …
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| Fugsnarf wrote: > You left the end part of the quote where he said "Ive never been in a disaster". Naturally, I …
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| Thanks for quoting me, ACWraith. My mom made me look for and get a job immediately after my semester ended. Jerked you …
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| I haven't seen you around in ages, dude.
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| Replying to my second oldest blog post... 3 years later. Do you really think nothing is going to change in 3 years? …
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| Awesome! Thank you for your service!
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| Deadly Waters will be up more due to the fact that I'm out of school. Please don't remove it.
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| I like the library, but I don't have the $$$ for it if that's what you're looking for :)
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| This is why I don't have that many projects... because I'd get confused!
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| I didn't get a chance to read all of it, but it definitely sounds cool :D
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| Get a bigger and better wireless router so people can steal your wifi from a two-block radius, instead of that dingy …
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| That was cool and frightening at the same time. I skipped around a lot... the grinding noises really got to me.
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| Strategy guild doesn't like being teased ;-/...
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| Update log... haven't posted in forever.
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| Good one, AC. Can I be some miniscule staff member just for being a good dog? rofl =)
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| Yes, precisely. You've gotten the point. The game is very complicated and it requires quite a bit of effort for the …
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| This guild's CSS rocks. 'Nuff said.
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| I saw your plan... Are you going to actually sit in front of a computer and speak, or do like a slide-show thing? …
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| That is pretty cool... needs different colored stars though. Slight yellows, pinks, blues, etc.
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| Happy B-day. I turned 18 in September... just means longer work hours with fewer breaks and registering for Selective …
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| Looks pretty sweet. You have some nice ideas there. I especially like the Dragon's Teeth :)
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| Nothing anyone writes can be completely unbiased. If you just want the facts, read an encyclopedia.
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| Too bad I didn't want to draw straight lines :/
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| Hah, hah! I figured you'd reply to this after your "internet hiatus." I see... so from what I'd gathered Project Talon …
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| @AC: Those fighter icons I was showing off in the blog are purely graphical. They're not going to be implemented until …
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| LilMain wrote: > Thanks for the advice, I am in 10th grade by the way.. well starting in August, school got out July …
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| "i" was Time magazine's person of the year. Why are you giving Two Minutes Hate to Apple, anyway? They're Microsoft's …
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| Good luck, see you in two weeks, man!
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| By the way, thanks for the love, AC! :)
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| Heh I was done with my final exams for my senior year (year 12) two weeks ago, on the 8th. I still haven't gotten …
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| D4RK3 54B3R pwns noobs. 'Nuff said.
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| I originally was going through my Project Talon folder (and probably checking my blog) and I thought the fighters I …
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| Soldierman wrote: Justin Knight wrote: > but my usual download speeds are a crawling 30kbps). Man your cable sucks …
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| Jtgibson wrote: > I've been waiting to see what comes of Deadly Waters. I downloaded it and fiddled around with it, …
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| Audeuro wrote: > I'm fairly certain he means the popup alerts. Sorry for the bump, but I thought those little bubbles …
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| It reminds me a lot of The Faces of War. Pretty nice. EDIT: AC, I played the old version but I'll tell you what I …
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| It seems to be around 15,000 page views (active members) at this time from that site.
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Jan 25 2013, 10:40 am