| Heh, I can understand that. But if every review of the game says "the community sucks", chances are the community …
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| Dark Wizard was not banned because of the RSC extractor, something that he has clinged to in a vain attempt to appear …
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| My most notable optimisations lately have been with regards to caching data and eliminating redundant security checks …
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| Leaving the game in debug mode bloats the DMB size considerably. Other than that, it adds no additional overhead that …
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| I have fond memories (read: not-fond memories) of camping on top of the drawbridge at Hyrule Castle waiting for the …
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| It actually makes me half-interested in working on Realms again, which was basically Link to the Past meets DROD meets …
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| Okay, I figure I might as well come out and say this... what happened to the old digitalmouse who was fun to talk to? =P
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| "Coder" referring to programmer is slang, pure and simple, and the only reason it's a habit is because people …
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| I don't like this idea any more than the other guys, but I can understand that some people just turn off all of their …
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| Just to address the spammy replies, I was referring to classified ads. A single text-based name (or sentence that helps …
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| Threads are closed in one of four circumstances: 1) A moderator has already trimmed out a lot of flames from the post …
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| There's a foreign-language hacker group called "byond", I believe. It's possible they did some grief in Brazil at one …
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| There was ten minutes' difference. How many people do you think even had time to read the first post before you made …
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| One of the posts on the comment thread of that GTA4 post sums it up nicely: One poster states: "*Yawn* Any other …
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| Think "finite" but with a DEEE! in front. Not only will you smile whenever you say it out loud, but it's a great way to …
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| A very good post. Also remember the four requirements of survival, in order of importance from most to least: water, …
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| Defining a dungeon crawler is hard. Perhaps one universal element that makes a dungeon crawler a dungeon crawler is …
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| I'm pretty sure Foomer was aware of that method. ;-) You can also adjust that setting directly in the DMF file by …
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| The correct answer is "its". You don't put an apostrophe in "his" or "her". It's actually not unusual; it's just that …
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| Airjoe wrote: > ID:633332 Okay, it was funny the first time, but that's getting really annoying. Please link directly …
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| Ter13 wrote: > However, there is a single disadvantage with .RAR and .7z Their compression is much better at the cost …
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| I have a couple statements. First off, if your first thought is "I want to make a Gundam game", but you don't have any …
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| What about non-realtime combat? Is there any strong incentive not to allow for realtime gameplay outside of combat but …
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| Nah, necromancy is now prevented automatically by the "Archived Thread" system. Anything that you can still reply to is …
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| Gug, one good thing to remember (that's not documented anywhere) is that if you half-hold the targetting trigger, you …
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| Ultima III: Exodus (just Exodus Ultima on the NES) had a wicked awesome system. You bought groceries, and over time …
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| When addressing several people simultaneously, I usually respond to the post which other people responded to at that …
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| Possibly off-topic, since this is a problem that has been plaguing me for a while outside of BYOND; say I had a map …
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| "If they like what they see and stay to play, the game will become more popular have a greater diversity of players." …
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| DivineO'peanut wrote: > I understand what you're saying, but your code is repeating a default action of Move() …
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| D is too much in its infancy for any serious development at this point. Cryptic error messages and strange compiler …
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| A "codec" is short for "coder/decoder", and is used to compile a sequence of data into digital symbols and then …
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| A tricky and syntactically beautiful variable instantiation method for the new() and newlist() proc...
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| Vatican wrote: > (what happened to Dan and Dual?) Dan came to his senses after realising he was working for 12 years on …
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| I actually recall reading about that while I was doing brainfood research on "what exactly is sapience?" a few months …
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| My most memorable... uh, memory... of silverfish is the time one ran across my neck while I was sleeping.
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| If the card says it works exactly like a credit card, then yes. If it is issued by your bank as a debit card, then no …
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| Sound files and music files. ;-) I doubt most people on BYOND create their own sound effects or music. In my own case, …
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| Evil-D123 wrote: > bad thing is :( no cheats will work for online :( whats GTA with out the weapons cheat!! Fun. I've …
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| Shiny11100 wrote: > no actually you are wrong...if you would WATCH the NEWS you would know that it was banned in many …
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| The whole sitting problem thing actually reminds me that sitting for long periods of time, even when you don't have …
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| Proper help files... sounds like a job for a Dream Makers article! In summary, though, it has to describe three …
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| Lummox JR has a seeded random number generator available on Dream Makers. If you use that to handle the automata, it …
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| Water can't compress very well at all, but air compresses extremely well. I suspect the key to the procedure is not hot …
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Oct 23 2013, 2:38 pm
Also, one and a half-year reply time. I'm almost as inefficient as a bank!