| New guys? Raven has been around since 1990, and is now part of activision. Pandemic was founded in 1998 and was …
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| 3.9, 500 dollar laptop. Go me.
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| I will be genuinely happy if you do stay and make a game here. BYOND has made some huge technical leaps in the last …
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| To put things in perspective, some people have been waiting 10 years.
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| Not any problems, but a computer with a really slow/old cpu may only be able to host 5-10 people, while a newer cpu …
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| I got portal free last time ( when it came out for MAC I think ), however I would like to thank you for posting these …
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| That's not really the point of an arcade game. However, I couldn't change it even if I wanted to. My desktop mobo went …
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| That cpu is compatible with the mobo you listed. Remember to compare socket types on mobo and cpu before you buy.
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| Amusing story. I have to say, if you can think of something like that as a joke on a forum, you really shouldn't have …
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| Eternal Darkness was insane.
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| Anvil Studio is decent for midi, they have a free version.
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| Move() first calls Exit(), then I believe Enter() is called on the newloc, if that allows, then Exited() is called, …
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| Many updates ago, BYOND received native big icon support, with the additional ability to edit .dmi files up to 256x256 …
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| Logitech wireless M705 marathon
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| Click the link. Tutorials at the top.
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| No one is asking for it to be removed in it's entirety, just the option of having it on your hub pages.
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| Didnt play that long, just got into duke dome
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| I believe you misunderstand his question. He doesn't want to resize the window, and being a tester for the game, I can …
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| At least from launch-era, ground combat needed scrapped and rebuilt, it was 10 year old gameplay at best. Space combat …
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| Post the bug report, they will let you know.
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| Ok, well, just because windows thinks something is working properly doesn't mean it is. Download the latest drivers for …
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| I can say from experience that the Large booster isn't going to cut it, even running constantly, if you dont burst an …
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| I think I did this in MS Paint(windows 7) the last time, because it blurs the image more than distorting it, you can …
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| DISCLAIMER: Questing statements may apply where applicable.
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| Have you had this working with a different card/tv setup? IE: Same card different tv, or vise versa.
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| Good feedback, thank you. I've actually got quite a musical background, 7 years in choir and I've played guitar for …
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| Don't confuse retribution for revenge; your actions always have consequences.
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