| I'm not sure if either of you know what your doing, those are both completely different types of ram. Its not …
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| My monitor has been restarting(seems like a momentary power loss to me)for awhile now, and just a few minutes ago …
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| File sharing while hosting is a big no no.
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| I watched someone lookup(from the side mind you, I was doing class work)cartoon porn in the library at one of my …
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| Look for Oreldwins post in the classified adds, I believe he is providing free hosting of byond files.
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| Im flattered that people still remember playing that game I made over 2 years ago.
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| Were not off topic, were telling you how stupid the topic is.
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| Oh, yes, musn't forget the damned apes.
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| Your not looking at it correctly. Person A with one spot would have equal chance if there were 15 other Persons or one …
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| If dimes could still be transfered I would give you 2 just to shut you up.
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| Yes. But bewarned fangames arent allowed to charge for anything(that includes donations).
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| I really doubt the blue book is in any public library.
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| Do a forum search, this is like the 1000th post on the subject.
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| MS wants me to upgrade. I can't even get tech support anymore because they just tell me: "The problem is, you need to …
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| That was another joke relating to the aforementioned joke. Sorry to trouble you.
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| I still can't draw a normal picture in GIMP, I always get side tracked with the stupid brushes. Its like, "oh that …
32 |
| How can one be so missinformed when the commercials are running night and day.
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| I was not flaming you. I was simply pointing out the irony in your statement.
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| If you view source theres some weird line of code at the bottom with a date in it, but it appears to me to be something …
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| Funny, when I turned 17 my dad simply told me not to join any infantry based armed forces division.
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| He told you its his, you said until you were told it wasnt original(originally by the author who sold it to you)you are …
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| Original in this sense means something that game has that other dbz games don't have, not just not a rip.
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| I was dissappointed; I expected him to say "It is."
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| I really hope you mean what not to put in source files for your name generator...
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| I don't like it either, the red is annoying, I liked the blue.
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| Or just transfer the money anyway. Theres no way the guy could get his money back.
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| Viacom owns the channels that were airing that marquee, any channel they owned was running it im assuming. It would …
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| Did you try and download that file Darkview? I did, just to see what would happen. As soon as the download completed …
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| Just what I pictured you as....
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| Im pretty sure Mike H mentioned that 338 is reverse comptible(will run .dmb's)back to version 227 or something like …
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| Thanks digi, any info at all would be greatly appreciated.
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| No, I really dont think that had to be said.
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| Ahh, this was sort of in response to the person that screams hub format every time the hub is mentioned, not really in …
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| In the graphics department, yes, it is worse. Although the difference between 1 and 2 megs of video memory at this …
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| I'm slightly confused as to what purpose this would serve, the current message seems to work perfectly to me. Would you …
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| Weird...I remember reading that post when you first made it, but my key was made over a month after that. I must have …
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| He was replying to the topic post, not Insayne whatever. Thread view is your freind.
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| Is it enough to point and laugh at? Huh? Huh?
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| It is my understanding that the first digit is the main version number(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, soon to come 4.0)and the other …
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