| They can nail him for whatever they wish, if he is using their service he has not paid for.
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| Umm, recommend what? I'm not quite sure what your saying.
8 |
| Stop whining Chuck. Nobody likes a whiner. I know your my friend but your going a little overboard here. People present …
46 |
| I didnt have to trade anything for mine. There was a forum posted on this thread or another(I dont remember)that had a …
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8 |
| In indiana anything that makes noise or flies is illegal. Basically, sparklers are legal and nothing more.
27 |
| At this point it seems the movie is pretty much made. I saw a big(and I do mean big)cardboard advertisement for it at …
39 |
| Tip of the day boxes are evil.
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10 |
| If its not taken, Cheapass productions sounds pretty cool.
3 |
| Umm, is that a santa hat?
17 |
| I made this in VB during spare classtime about 8 months ago. I type it up last night when I found the printout I …
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| I happen to agree with Theodis on this one =p The white is a bit much. Reminds me of that episode of Friends where Ross …
16 |
| 5 month absense with all of 8 posts including this one. Do you really expect anythone to recognize you?
12 |
| IMO anyone stupid enough to fall for his scam deserves to be banned along with him. We dont need people here that have …
13 |
| Have you tried downloading more than a single game?
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| I'm sure if theres any task that can still run on it they would.
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| I would have to agree, that green hurts my eyes.
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| My grandma just said the illuminati is behind microsoft. Shocked, and laughing my ass off.
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24 |
| FEET! THE WORD IS FEET!!!! I'm sorry, that was bugging the hell out of me.
14 |
| I really don't see why they would have to be Japanese, considering the taget audience is most likely going to be …
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| I believe you are correct YMI. Ses, you told him hes a cool guy.
11 |
| I doubt your going to find one with the exact system you want to use. These demo's are meant to show you how to do …
3 |
| Yes, I lurk here quite often, seeing as my comptuer refuses to run dreamseeker for the time being. Anyway, you said …
19 |
| So your saying that no webserver anywhere charged anyone anything untill 2001?
14 |
| Eh, I made the mistake of giving Sariat my phone number. He actually called me then -_-
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13 |
| My mom did that to my brother when he was 6, I was 5 at the time and scared to death after I saw that. She cut my hair …
21 |
| The point of pointing out the obvious facts is that in the line of progression its still a rip from a source that rips …
17 |
| When you packaged your files I think you accidentaly packaged the source files. Repack the files and make sure you pick …
9 |
| Quit =P I had a lot of chocolate covered coffee beans last night; had a really hard time typing.
6 |
| Wish I would have realized those comments were in ascending order before I read half of them.
11 |
| I felt like pointing that song out again anyway =p
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2 |
| I believe hes saying he wants to try his hand at the pharmacy webpage.
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| Im wondering why a website would be best viewed in firefox. Doesn't it stand to reason that, if firefox aderes to the …
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| Half of your contenct pages dont have any content, just errors.
6 |
| Are you saying, in this case, that old fashioned would be bad?
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7 |
| Its not the same type of tax. Taxing it like they tax the postal service would not work, is what I'm trying to say, …
16 |
| My dad taught me how to fire his guns, and always use proper safety, when I was growing up. I feel a lot more confident …
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| Eh, it told me ~9400 for him as well. I think someone got a little happy with their figures.
35 |
| The exact error is: Error Starting Program The MSVCIRT.DLL is linked to the missing export MSVCRT.DLL:??_U@YAPAXI@Z …
13 |
| Ahh I understand now. I've not been so lucid today, and it didn't help that I had just woken up when posting that.
7 |
| Actually digi understands my improper use of the terms, no matter how many times im told I can't remember which one is …
19 |
| That was completely out of place and off topic.
21 |
| Was that set for hacker or dyslexic?
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| Not bad, good for a laugh.
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