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| /me hides Dont ever bring that thread up again you hear me fishy?
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| Sorry as well, that came across a little more rude than I intended. Its just quite annoying to most people, is all I …
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| Its upload speed is much slower as well. I didnt mean simply the download speed.
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| Source code to my 3d maze.
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| I read the Off Topic and Creations forums religously.
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| Its a compression format, you need winrar to unpack them.
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| I was just kidding there.
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| Dont suppose theres any signifigance to that do ya? Or did you just want to state a random fact?
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| If he wasnt a threat all this time, what reason would he have for kicking out the UN weapons inspectors(which he agreed …
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| Something in that second link doesnt make a whole lot of sense. He mentions, that if you donate 3 dimes, you might get …
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| Thats one hell of a page you have there Rae. I love the image for the entrance portal thingamajig. I give it a 9(seeing …
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| My hours never changed, ive just made better use of my nighttime scheduale =_-
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| Don't encourage them Mr. Crispy.
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| It wasnt the actual Baptists, it was almost a spinoff of the Baptists. I'll have to get a history book at school and …
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| For some strange reason, if people cant see you smoking, most of them dont care. Funny thing, how that works.
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| Its a good game, I think you'd have a decent shot if you did just that, especially if you have the 3d stuff by kunark …
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| Thats a pretty good squat max for someone not playing football. I probably cant squat more than 200 or 210, but I can …
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| She used a very bad example there as well. A knife is a mandmade object as you said, and its not a neat fit between two …
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| I think you need a time out mister ace. Ive seen you flame someone in just about every post youve made today. If your …
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| Thats not really what the game is about I dont think. I doubt hes listed the races as black/white/mexican/ect..., I …
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| It wasnt raining when I left school :P
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| Ok, when you convert an mp3 to a wav file, its a gigantic wav file. MPG- layer3 is another term for mp3, so what the …
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| They're not going to carpet bomb cities. If you really think they are, you need to read up on your military tactics …
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| Infogrames is French I believe.
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| Youd still be a Canadian, just an American Canadian. But, I really do understand where your coming from.
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| My largest heritage is Irish just so ya know. Its where my last name is from, and I've got it on more than just my dads …
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| Wow, first coherent post I've ever seen from you.
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| Thats only becuase you have a parter site :P
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| You can do this with windows 98 as well. A tech support guy walked me through it.
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| Lol. See, what you have to do it layer it, with connecting peices between the layers to give it stability. I could …
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| I eagerly await this new addition.
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