
Joined: Mar 16 2010

Joshzam's Favorite Games

by Devourer Of Souls | Jun 29 2004
Tags: anime
An online, manual version of the Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG.
It's time to Duel!
by Falacy | Mar 18 2007
Tags: action, zombies
Welcome, to the last city on Earth.
Pokémon how it was meant to be.
Wisteria is a Roleplay Driven Online game that happens 30 years before Red's adventure, be part of the creation of the ...
by Choryong | Sep 24 2009
Tags: fangame
Version 2.0! Many new additions on the way! Soon to become an original pokemon game! It's unlike these other ...
by ACEROLA1 | Jun 18 2010
This game probably will not be returning since i will be leaving this august to concentrate on my future but it was fun ...
Back Again.
by Polatrite | May 18 2009
Tags: fangame
Pokemon with a new twist! Use your team of Pokemon to fight back wild Pokemon and conquer the Badge Challenges to become ...
by Shenguin | Jan 23 2009
Pokemon Cringe, Awesome Game with a friendly community
by Aaronland | Mar 29 2008
Tags: anime, fangame
Join the world of Pokemon Dark Red. Catch, Train, Battle.
by Aceraptor | May 18 2013
Tags: fangame
Guess who's back :D
by Haseo00jr | Oct 10 2008
Tags: fangame
The best, most simple Pokemon game on BYOND that uses a real time battling system, and is soon to have actual attacks!