| You'd think that there would be a ton more fan games based off of already made games... not tv series's... Since fan …
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| I'm wondering what the best computer camera you can buy is, or if you odn't know you know where I could find out?? I …
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| I was watching a show the other day when they said "Hot girls" bring out the same chemical in men as cocaine... Can …
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| I myself am Ok with sex... I'm a virgin... I'm not looking for sex really, I want it but I"m not looking for it. I …
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| say you didn't like your current friends just because all they want to do is drink and do drugs (like almost all my …
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| it is very true, but most rap is just crap anyways, it's just a drawback to society and teachs are kids to grow up …
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| I'm not sure, I wanted to sorta take a pull and see what everyone says... I could aim for skinny but cut, or become …
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| I am taking bits and pieces of everyones advice... my philosophy( YET another probably crappy one) is I am only one …
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| you're speaking for us all yet I liked what he was saying, what's wrong with that picture? :)
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| the point being, Warcraft 3 was way too hyped up for it's quality! I admit, the cutscenes were great, and the storyline …
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| the real question is though... can you trust a girl who flaunts her body around like that? Could it possibly mean she's …
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| hehe well I will pay someone to do icons and I tell them I'll pay them based on the quality... so if they're just as …
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| is sex really the right road to take?? I mean it seems kinda pathetic and sad if you ask me... I'm one of those …
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| Thanks Tom and Dan!! ( I split the proc up anyways though :P)
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| your mind?? Like beable to wake up in the middle of the night and see like a badger scurrying across your room, a old …
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| I can agree to this... my summer has been complete suckage!! yesterday my GF dumped me after going out for 5 months, …
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| BYOND isn't set up fir this is it? Well if not what's hte best way to do this?
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| guess what? Most of the US agrees with you... WHICH IS WHY THE US ARMY made a shoot em up game themselves!! Why you …
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| and repost them because they didn't get any replies? IS that still bumping since you deleted all the old messages? …
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| I think god is an excuse people came up with in the past to explain why things were the way they were, how everything …
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| I keep reading your posts about doing things with extra weight here and there, and I have to warn you. You're not going …
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| how about those dreams when everything seems like a rush, like you're on a roller coaster and everything is going super …
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| well I asked a million questions (not just to others but mainly to myself) on like different ways certain commands …
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| just curious Lummox, where did ya go to college? You're a really smart guy I could see you going to some high up there …
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| what are you guys talking about? His friends are what fund us for future games!! Jeez think a little :) There's a …
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| how about a game like hedgerow hall(well not really like it alot but somewhat simular maybe) except it's based under …
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| I mean when is the fine line drawn for too much? I think it depends on the person but still there's a point where you …
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| an honor to deal with annoying little twerps like you and me? Pffft shoot me now. :P
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| what you drew Neo could be original also or not... A gangster style alien is not hard to come by, even at that size …
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| a website? In the sense that the graphics aren't anything, it's not a picture of anything, it could be just a patter or …
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| well depends what you mean by chaos... if you mean chaos in the sense of like... rap then yes it is evil since if …
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| Well like I mentioned before AGOK's has 30+ monsters (the + is for the special monsters I add and subtract). now the …
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| ya in the RPG I'm going to be making you get loot from smiths and such with great skill, if you kill a monster it'll …
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| I never stop improving, there's always something new to learn. and if there isn't, I'll find something else :)
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| well I'm going to add more to it etc, I'm just curious if it sounds ok or if it's cheesy... I suck at writing :) …
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| it's the chalenge. I live for a chalenge, in anything!! If it's fighting to whatever, but in a sense that your life is …
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| I'm trying to make a screen obj when you click it it gives you the option of what monsters you want to attack with …
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| I'm sure this has been mentioned before but it would be nice if we could walk forever because the world is round... for …
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| yup animation and programming here ! :)
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