| Well the concern isn't the spam mail, the concern right now is getting the fraud problem taken care of. One step at a …
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| they have already stated that there will be controllers simular looking to the gamecube ones as alternatives... you …
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| I actually still own a sega saturn, and own dragon force. such an amazing game... the sega saturn wasn't horrible, …
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| all I can say is this game is going to kill the sims. He's such a genius.
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| best luck with your film making, hopefully we can get some movies out there worth seeing! :)
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| it's actually quite normal. As outrageous as it sounds, suicide doesn't actually relate to any particular activity such …
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| Actually yes it does make a difference when dealing with mouse overlays I've noticed. So ya, it probably does with …
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| Just look at how all th emajor companies used to do it. They'd basically set the user's eye view to a certain mob, then …
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| from what I understood most the money comes from getting people to sell the product, not just from getting people to …
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| I sold my account on e-bay for over 50 bucks... just post yours as well with screens!
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| ok but how many strats are there to use? Some people do the pile-all-units-on-one-area thing then just try to take over …
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| DM seems limited in making larger than 32x32 icons... was wondering if anyone has free programs they use?
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| lol haven't seen nothing yet if you think that is ownage... haha :) Someone's gonna hook me up with a fraps retail …
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| trust us, we know. More dragonball knowledge around here then at fan club festivals of the show...
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| I told everyone I had a date so they wouldn't think I was a loser, then came home to program on byond because I never …
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| I'm having a hell of a time finding it. It was there, I swear. I read it and it was about how there are soap opera type …
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| on the contrary. IF it is a dbz game, then if he builds it, they will come. They will come. It's brilliant marketing …
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| look what they did to one of their last MMORPG attempts... Ascherons Call 2. It flopped (just got canceled). It also …
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| I agree, when I first came here to play dbz games (I was like 13 or 14 at the time) I was segregated and attacked due …
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| My first game was A Game of Kings... and still is my first and only game lol... I never really work on it though, and I …
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| man this game is going to lag until they get client side abilities in :) How are you planning on having the server …
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| They're so hard to make! I cannot for the life of me get the NW/NE/SW/SE directions to look right, and then there's …
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| WoW is the best MMORPG on the market for player vs. environment. Good graphics, good gameplay. It gets boring fast …
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| Anyone seen this made for TV series made by Showtime? They took it off air but man it's one of the BEST tv series I've …
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| don't slap his hand! *Pets him on the head* Good boy, keep DanTom well fed and we'll adore you! : ) We WANT THE NEXT …
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| it's not any good to anyone who's played a few MMORPG's before... it's rather bland and not much to do in comparison …
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| maybe he watchs it every night and so it seems like years to him? :)
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| just give it time and more polished games will come out... can't wait for the next byond update myself... then …
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| don't know where you're going with this one, the touch screen was huge success. Nintendogs is one of the most brilliant …
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| ok now you're trying to compair a team squad based game to halo... no wonder you think halo sucks. You like a …
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| I don't know needs to be harder it's too easy... got bored playing because of the ease of it ;P
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| Eh, I think I have some money on the way from some relatives. If not, I'll get it out of them when I come see them next …
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| ya unfortunately paper mario 2 won't be going down in price anytime soon...
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| How well can you do pixel art? :P
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| I agree NVIDIA has been so kind to me. I have a geforce 3 TI 200 that can still run most games to this day that are out …
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| I think the one major thing stopping a lot of people from ever finishing products is graphics! I personally never …
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| I agree in fact it would give a lot of us a reason to make games here with the possibility of making money in the long …
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| A Game of Kings - Jon's now able to host!
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| try to find a no cd key crack? Do spyware checks once you're done...
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| it's true that most clear cutting and animal/plant extinction comes from underdeveloped countries... So if everyone was …
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| ya I liked daggerfall the original better. Morrowind was just big and eh you could do everything in one of the major …
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| Lord Raven by far! :) He's awesome.
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| Yup and with the nintendogs holiday bundle and mario kart holiday bundle you can get a DS and a game 10-15 bucks …
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| not to mention seeming to build themselves as well when you're young!! I remember thinking god built the bridge I drove …
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| agreed. Best way to make money ;)
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| Well it's possible that I could somehow make it so that a lot of the technology is hard to find/figure out through …
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