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| I get all my cousins old nintendos and stuff. I have a xbox but no controllers
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| Where else but Bomberman Arena? =) 'edit'Soldier died. RIP. =p
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| Are you a bigger nerd than me? I bet you are! =p
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| Take the quiz at dicepool.com You are a good old-fashioned six-sided cube, otherwise known as a d6. Others know you to …
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| Seems more people liked his more,so I'll stick with that one. I actually think his matched my blog better anyhow.=o
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| How many of you do I have to ban from commenting on my members page? -_-
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| WildrogueJavster Please comment,and tell me what one you like better.
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| DerDragon added the title image and changed a few other things. The graphics were provided by Javster. EDIT* I see it …
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| Wildrogue? about the sig? Do you have AIM?
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| kh2 was better than the first one. =o
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| Im looking for good song titles and music artist to download 'mp3'.Im using lime wire so please give me some good songs …
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| Wait,that was stupid. Im sure the candy name are diffrent too. =p
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| What's that supposed to mean? :/
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| Nice. Since I've wasted a few minutes into my day to read this,buy me a members page to make up for it. =)
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