| I would like this to work: /datum/x var/L = list(1) + list(2) This allows 2 things primarily: 1. Easier interactions …
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| On tg we have the idea of an abstract datum. For example, we have /datum/antagonist, which represents all antagonists …
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| We call Crop() 478 times in initialize on SS13, at the most conservative configuration. This costs 3 seconds+ on my …
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| Would be nice to let this work out of the box: ASSERT(ismob(thing), "[thing] is not a mob") I have a hack for this …
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| Let's suppose I have this type. /weapon var/flags = HEAVY | LOUD // other stuff Now I want to make a subtype. I want to …
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| Currently, in order to call a macro over multiple lines, you need to use backslashes. DO_SOMETHING( \ thing, \ thing2 \ …
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| We have a lot of procs that are guaranteed to error if called improperly. For example: balloon_alert("over here!") …
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| Descriptive Problem Summary: if(!x) is slower than if(x){}else Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem: Code Snippet (if …
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| In SS13, mapper quality of life is a very high priority for us. Sometimes atoms have an icon that is more complicated …
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| A great way to lower memory cost when reusing a list across thousands of atoms is to keep it in one place, and …
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| Currently, I use Dream Daemon to be able to easily read out runtime logs, world logs, etc when iterating on new …
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| Let's say I want to create a new /mob/moth, and typecast it at the same time. While I could do... var/mob/moth/player = …
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| `return .` currently compiles to a `GETVAR dot`, then `RET`. `return` currently compiles to `END`, with the dot being …
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| Over on /tg/, we have a /datum/weakref class: …
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