
Joined: Jun 20 2007

i am the truth


Aug 4 2009, 3:19 pm
this dude is gay
Jul 7 2009, 1:06 pm
dude be firends

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Jamesbias13's Favorite Games

by IVIannyV | Mar 9 2009
Tags: anime
Four Elements One World
by Devourer Of Souls | Jun 29 2004
Tags: anime
An online, manual version of the Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG.
It's time to Duel!
by Nightmare3 | Apr 21 2006
Tags: anime
Hidden Wind Clan is a family style role playing community. Innovating "RP" gaming since April 22nd, 2006.
by Garruea | Aug 25 2007
Tags: anime
A PvP/PvE/RP Naruto game - Play it as you wish, we are working on updates!