
Joined: Feb 3 2009

Naurto Dbz and Bkeach fan


Jun 2 2011, 9:19 am
Can you Add my Key? I need to talk to you about Naruto Battle of Two Legends
Apr 29 2009, 3:43 pm
hey this is jake let me tell yall about me. First i love naruto dbz and bleach favorite ANIME!! Inuyasha okay but mainly those. i am 13 years old i am a co-owner on Naruto bonds of time(idealist)
I like alot of likin park 3 days grace and excetra. my 2 favoirte character from my anime are madara and pein for naruto,vegeta and goku for dbz, abd ulquiorra and grimmjow and i guess ichigo from bleach. i got a dog named coco and a bunny named maggie. Well if i find anything else i will say and if anyone is looking for a good admin or co-owner i will be open enjoy bonds of time by the way GREAT GAME!!!

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Medals Jake0419 can earn in his favorite games

[Any games] [Earned medals]

Dragonball Z Ultimate Fighters 2

Ultimate Player

Kill a ultimate sparring partner.

That Was Easy

Complete the tutorial.


Complete every mission on easy mode.

The Bigger They Are

Complete every mission on medium mode.

The Harder They Fall

Complete every mission on hard mode.

Team Player

Be in a team event.

Dream Come True

Make a wish with the dragonballs.


Win the world tournament.


Win a Search & Destroy match.

Super Player

Transform for the first time.

The Limit

Transform into Super Saiyan 5.

The Ultimate Fighter

Earn every medal.


Use the trading capsule.