
Joined: Oct 31 2010

Medals Itachi_Uchiha225 has earned

[Only favorite games] [Medals left to earn]

Pokemon Race Against Time

Fire Badge

You have defeated the Fire Gymleader!

Earned on Feb 24 2015, 7:13 pm

Psychic Badge

You have defeated the Psychic Gymleader!

Earned on Feb 25 2015, 7:41 am

Rainbow Badge

You have defeated the Rainbow Gymleader!

Earned on Feb 25 2015, 9:49 am

Flying Badge

You have defeated the Flying Gymleader!

Earned on Feb 25 2015, 10:17 am

Grass Badge

You have defeated the Dragon Gymleader!

Earned on Feb 25 2015, 2:33 pm

Dragon Badge

You have defeated the Dragon Gymleader!

Earned on Feb 25 2015, 4:07 pm

Rock Badge

You have defeated the Rock Gymleader!

Earned on Feb 28 2015, 6:21 am

Bug Badge

You have defeated the Bug Gymleader!

Earned on Mar 1 2015, 8:19 am

Thunder Badge

You have defeated the Thunder Gymleader!

Earned on Mar 15 2015, 4:23 pm

Fighting Badge

You have defeated the Fighting Gymleader!

Earned on Mar 17 2015, 2:15 pm

Poison Badge

You have defeated the Poison Gymleader!

Earned on Mar 19 2015, 9:22 pm

Ghost Badge

Earned on Mar 27 2015, 5:12 pm

Naruto Supreme Chaos

Broke Ninja

Have less than 100 Yen

Earned on Feb 23 2015, 1:10 pm


Pokemon Race Against Time

Frozen Water Badge

Beat the Frozen Water Gym Leader

Earned on Nov 19 2010, 4:08 pm

Thunder Badge

Beat the Thunder Gym Leader

Earned on Nov 20 2010, 8:53 am

Dark Badge

Beat the Dark Gym Leader

Earned on Nov 20 2010, 2:50 pm

Ghost Badge

Beat the Ghost Gym Leader

Earned on Nov 21 2010, 7:05 am

First Place

Win the tourny in first place

Earned on Jan 1 2011, 5:03 am

Fire Badge

Beat the Fire Gym Leader

Earned on Jan 1 2011, 8:18 pm

Rock Badge

Beat the Rock Gym Leader

Earned on Feb 24 2011, 3:13 pm

Grass Badge

Beat the Grass Gym Leader

Earned on Feb 27 2011, 1:15 pm

Flying Badge

Beat the Flying Gym Leader

Earned on Feb 27 2011, 3:15 pm

Pokemon: Shadows of Darkness

I've played PSD!

Congratulations you've played Pokemon: Shadows of Darkness!

Earned on Nov 7 2010, 6:08 am


Final Fight

Rain Ninja

You have started out as a Rain Ninja.

Earned on Nov 2 2010, 6:19 pm

Sound Ninja

You have started out as a Sound Ninja.

Earned on Mar 3 2015, 5:54 pm