| I dont think they said anything about paying to play just for the pager and other stuff. If im wrong then so be it I …
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| Yea i know who that is, he has this Shaman King game and i've seen him playing in other games but he has never done …
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| I have 2 computers at home and sometimes I need to get a file from the other one while I'm using the other but i dont …
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| Lummox JR wrote: > However, I would like to strangle the idiot who started doing this: > Hey, I can screw up HTML! > …
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| I noticed in the developer section there was a new BYOND icon, now there is one on the games section. It looks nice.
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| E3 started today! I wish i could go i live near the convention center but its only for the media and the companies.
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| omg, i was guessing a computer chip and the game guessed right.
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| Nyck wrote: > I'm puerto rican(half actually), but from el Estados Unidos. Nueva York to be exact ;) *Los Estados …
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| Lately ive seen people asking for help with html and stuff so if you dont know it or just need reference go to W3 …
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