
Joined: Jan 15 2019

IFuzion's Favorite Games

by UnknownHobbit | Apr 1 2018
This is a roleplaying game inspired by Generations.
by Falacy | May 15 2010
Tags: icons
Icons for BYOND to share! Uploaded by the BYOND community.
Little to no lag, recoded and freshly balanced
New Wipe! 11/21/2021.
A multiplayer roleplaying game involving catchable pocket monsters!
by Brokethemurk | Jan 30 2019
Shinobi role playing game
by Bober Tones | Aug 17 2018
A freeform, sandbox game where you live out the life of ninjas. You can create anything you put your mind to and fight ...
RP Game for fun!
by Iocamus | Oct 13 2010
An innovative twist on ye' old shinobi tale.
by Chopius_Chaos | Jan 13 2024
A roleplaying game based on the exciting universe of naruto!
by InsidPro | Oct 29 2013
Roll-Based Roleplay Game