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| I bet you he gives you 1GB server space, but like, 200mb/month bandwidth, bandwidth is worth FAR more than space.
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| Those end fights are all easy, I did them with just the "Attack" command unlocked... Lol was too lazy to go around …
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| My theory is... The world will end when all the zeta rips get published.
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| Atleast it was only one... -Shudders because he's had 9 fillings in the last 2 and a half months-
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| I still don't like, or trust him fether than I can throw him D=
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| Driving is fine <_< Instructor is not.
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| Good idea, pitty I had to leave school when I was 7 cause a teacher tried to kill me, so my parents got her suspended, …
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| For he's a jolly good nartilus... Oh I never remember the rest of that.
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| Depends which one, I have an AMD Sempron 1.8ghz, AMD Athlon XP 2.1ghz, Pentium 4 2.8ghz 2mb L2 Cache 800mhz FSB, …
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| Quite possible, I was expecting problems, but everything else appears to be working fine, I'm not bothered about …
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| I'll host you with 1gb space and 10gig bandwidth etc, for free.
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| I just took the fluid intelligence test... Crushed by a test... Sir Francis Galton, the cousin of Charles Darwin, …
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| Tesco didn't have it -Kills innaminate objects (Totally impossible, admittedly, but I'm doing it)-
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| I'm going to buy this one on wednesday... Anybody know somewhere cheap to get Groove Coverage albums fast (In England …
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| I'm still temped to do thwt Hazman suggested...
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| Indeed, I was only commenting on how strange it must seem to people over here.
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| I play Europe-Chimaera, and planetary transport is easy, if you come to Chimaera, I'll be happy to help you in any way …
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| You Are 35% Left Brained, 65% Right Brained The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, …
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| I forgot, I'm lousy with things like that <__<
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| Redid my MySQL Saving demo in a diffrent way, included a .sql script for the DB Struct. And put all the things which …
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| If any decent games (Show me the game and I'll decide) Needs 24/7 100mbs hosting, give me a shout, I got 4 dedicated …
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| Hm, okay, point taken, I'll work on a help system too, but then, the game is a beta so not a lot should be expected …
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| A totally diffrent way of MySQL saving to the previous demo, with advancements and comments!
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| A StarTrek game with grid movement , 7 races 4 of which are playable, upgradable ship componants, ranks, fleets and …
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| ... -Chokes cause he is laughing so hard-
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| The contest already ended Daniel, the next one will be longer, I promice.
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| Intreasting question, most likely its because thats the only game I have of which its worth adding it into. Never …
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| Dragonball Senshi - Usually up [Hub last updated 09-October-2005]
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| MySQL saving demo, character taken checking, character lists, saving and loading.
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| A modification of Deadron.TextHandling with extra procs to allow reading and writing of any plain text file.
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| A ban system which uses .txt files to store banned keys and IP's, ideal for including via external scripts (PHP, CGI, …
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| Thats nice to know, I've never called an American a yank, even though my Father does it every time.
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