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| Chatters has been on a Minecraft kick recently, and from that I discovered LWJGL, the Lightweight Java Game Library …
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| Integer bignum storage and arithmetic
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| Most BYOND programmers can get along perfectly fine without vectors. If in your game you're content to stay in …
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| A demo of beams and collision detection
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| A demo of an asteroids-like game
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| The Dream Makers article on vectors I mentioned in the previous post is almost finished. All that's left to do is …
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| I'm currently writing an article for Dream Makers giving an introduction to vectors and the jt_vectors library. As part …
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| In which Railroad Tycoon is recapped, and differences between it and the proposed game are described in brief.
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| In which Warspite is officially conferred to non-active status, and I resolve to Get Something Else Done.
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| Work on the RTS continues, and I now have an updated demo with the ships shooting back at you! That doesn't sound like …
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| I've now done some testing of the game while running over a network, and as I was half-fearing, it turns out to be …
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| Ship collisions are now working, though unfortunately the method I discussed last post proved a little too inefficient …
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| Work on the naval RTS game continues, with a few issues turning up that required some redesign. I now have red and …
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| Taking a break from OpenSS13 for a while (still lots of stuff I want to add to it, but not for the moment). Instead I'm …
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| Test hub for Warspite RTS
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| Open SS13 Work is continuing on the Open SS13 code; not lots of progress, but steady. Mostly at the moment I'm …
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| The confused situation involving the offical SS13 hub now seems to be resolved - the hub password has been made public …
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| Stari has recently been hosting my mod of SS13 for me, which was very kind of him, but his server seems to be dead for …
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| MapSub is a program I wrote to allow editing of maps for Space Station 13. We're in a slightly odd situation with SS13; …
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