| Mohfar1 wrote: > He was a genius and i'm still amazed at some of the stuff he drew. The dude's been dead for years.
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| I found a few bugs. One deals with the charged shot. Somehow charging can allow your movement to become locked, causing …
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| Actually, for the last week, between the baby and being sick, I have been getting about two hours of sleep a night …
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| DisturbedSixx wrote: > Why not make an icon that's transparent, as in every other pixel is in black or dark color …
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| "Hey this looks kind of like a big foot" If a scientist saw this he might say it. Never say never.
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| Android Data wrote: > Okay, since you want to bash posts so much, here you go: I wasn't bashing. I just found it funny.
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| Not really wanting to drag this out any further, but both of the links go to the same thread.
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| This is a really good article. And, obviously, some commentors here did not even bother to read it. AZA Wrote: > …
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| Kaioken wrote: >...BYOND is very unlikely to support handhelds/consoles, especially if they don't have a Windows OS …
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| Airjoe wrote: >...considering the frequent updates of BYOND, it's a pain in the ass to make sure I uncheck the proper …
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| Last month I created a little snippet for mouse overs while dragging. The original snippet is on a corrupted HDD and …
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| All too often, whilist playing LRS, I die because I get disconnected during the game. By the time it tells me …
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| Popisfizzy wrote: >It does it, though, so there won't be duplicate definitions in the file... Is that the same case for …
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| ACWraith wrote: > Does the problem actually have to do with the mouse? It sounds more like a mix of network lag and the …
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| Upinflames wrote: > How I think it should work (in theory) is when you click save (or however you save something …
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| I made a HUD in Photoshop and wanted to import it. In the old versions it auto-assigned the icon states as the 32x32 …
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| I was just about to come post about this. I've been wanting this feature for quite a while.
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| I think GrrenLime just created something that would greatly help your cause. It's for multiple coders or something …
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| 1) Big head = aim... 2) Already did that. 3) Check. Already started on the legs. I'll work on the neck now. I made the …
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| Here's an ide for your attack/block system. Attack with the six buttons like you described. While your opponent has his …
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| DOOD I'M SO NOT HIRO!!!!!!!!!111111111!!!!ONE! !!!!
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| Jamesburrow wrote: > I like the statpanel because it allows you to see the items, but I prefer the text windows and …
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| I have code RPG style movement for one of my projects, and it came out better than I planned. It is the style of …
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| SuperAntx wrote: > Turf Elevation dosent show how to make a path under a path. Combine the concepts of Turf Elevation …
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