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| Hey, I'd love you forever if you uploaded the Ultima VI graphics. :D Anyways, you could remove the scrollbar. That'd …
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| "It's epic! Generic! Space age-y! It's...awesome!"
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| That's some pretty bad programming practices right there! Learn from his mistakes, people. People like him never …
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| If you ever do manage to create a decompiler (good luck! not even dan/tom could), don't release it.
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| You fail if you don't have a 1.5 PSP/you didn't get Hollister!
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| If you have a PSP you can just download them. >_>
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| Gunstar Heroes will blow your face off, and is absolutely KILLER with two people. How did we all miss this game when it …
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| Oh boy, browsing in 480p! What fun!
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| Will I be missed? Probably not! The community's gone down hill, I've been part of that. While playing games here, you …
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| Calus CoRPS wrote: > This is not a complaint, I am just wondering what is the point of doing so. So if you have …
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| I ranked you as #2 since if I put you as #1 Unknown Person would delete it and move Ultimatum back to #1.
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| It's okay, when 4.0 comes around, Dream Maker will be as easy to learn as it gets.
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| Shlaklava wrote: > is there anywhere that I can get a version that I can use too see if want to use it. But I might …
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| Jon88 wrote: > Elation wrote: > > Crispy wrote: > > > When the gameplay is boring and you're only sticking it out for …
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| Keep on looking, you'll find it. :p
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| Ben G wrote: > okay whatever sounds good > > i don't have a very high bar here folks i've still got that feeling i'm …
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| We've known the ranking system blows ever since DBZrelegr8 was rank one. Otherwise, this post is just about right.
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| Using the oldest joke on the internet = 3 Horrible 6 second copy+pasta in paint = 1 AVERAGE: 1.5/10
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| It's a SNES game, it had only two controller ports + the add on for very few games.
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| Off topic, but your CSS is sexy.
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| Hahaha, that was a good laugh.
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| I'd love you if you made this a room: Dark Room Exits: none A wild manticore appears and rips off your head, …
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| You should do an awesome BYONDicide.
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| Sounds like Dragon Warrior Tactics. I've been waiting for a remake of that, if you can make it just as fun (or even …
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| TCM:TB rocks. Best scary movie in theaters currently.
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| I got a free 2GB USB Drive awhile back, and I use that to backup all of my important stuff.
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| You can't. Seriously, you can no longer purchase BYONDimes. We had to do away with the old commerce system because …
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| Also, Basik, please remove that from the hub. Or atleast fix it first. There's so much usr abuse in it, it's not …
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| No point in preordering it since Nintendo's not being like Sony or Microsoft. They're shipping a tonload.
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| XzDoG wrote: > WinRAR I'd reccomend 7zip, I find it to be much better than winRAR.
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| there's just too many dicks and balls in it otherwise the movie was awesome
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| I like games with customization. Lots of it.
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| and to make it worse, you just lost the game
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