Halospirit's Favorite Games
*Last Update 10/17/2023* A Bleach MORPG loosely based on the popular anime and manga, with RPG elements and a content ...
This game is still under construction.
MMORPG Styled Game, Loosely Based on Bleach.
Bleach inspired with Ketzuken, many original features, update log on hub.
Version 19 introduces open world conflict with portal dimension bases!
Imagine taking a step in a world of sheer and conquer!
Game is back up and everyone should be having fun! :D
Fight against friends and foes, as Shinigamis, Arrancars, Quincies, Vaizards, etc ...
[PvP & RP Servers] Explore this expansive recreation of the Ninja World. Endless timeline, immense environment with vast ...
Lotus Wars Features an expansive world with hundreds of player-driven choices that can change anything from their own ...
You can Search over the network, Kill Viruses,Compete in missions and much more, Check inside.
A NNG based naruto game, New updates coming to player and admin alikes.
Pirates! Marines, Bounty hunters?! Join the super powered adventure!
The world in its first version come on in and expierence a world of visions.
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