
Joined: Jun 5 2006


Apr 20 2010, 7:27 am
So quiet here o.0 Wish you would continue BB's Reign though. It still seems as if it would make a very popular DN game
Sep 25 2009, 10:22 am
Hey how is BB's Reign doing?

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Medals Hakari can earn in her favorite games

[Any games] [Earned medals]

Pokemon: Shadows of Darkness

Legend Master

... How did you get a legendary... Now others will envy you

Flying Badge

Haha! The flying gym leader was beaten by you!

Bug Badge

Dang! You must of crushed them bugs!

Rock Badge

Wowza! You smashed them rocks witha hammer!

Water Badge

Cool! A little water won't stop you!
Fire Badge

Awesome! You're on fire!
Ice Badge

Man! You're cold as ice!

Pokemon Race Against Time

Frozen Water Badge

Beat the Frozen Water Gym Leader

First Place

Win the tourny in first place

Trophy 1st

Win the Pokemon League in first place

Trophy 2nd

Win the Pokemon League in second place

Trophy 3rd

Win the Pokemon League in third place