
Online: Naruto Supreme Chaos

Joined: Oct 17 2007

Medals Gui10 can earn in his favorite games

[Any games] [Earned medals]

Naruto Supreme Chaos

Grass Feudal Lord

Become Grass Feudal Lord
Sand Kage

Become Kazekage
Dark Kage

Sun Kage

Become TaiyouKage
Waterfall Kage

Become Enukage
Rain Kage

Become Amekage
Sound Kage

Become Otokage
Star Kage

Become Hoshikage
Snow Kage

Become Sorukage
Moon Kage

Become Moon kage


Join Hebi
Org Leader

Become Org Leader
Blood Member

join Blood org (discontinued 2021)

Given to players who actively worked to save the world last wipe

Given to players that successfully found the secret to Orochimaru's rebirth
CTF Champion

Player with the most points in CTF
CTF Boxing Champ

Player with the most Knockouts last wipe