| what are some examples of RTS games...is it like metal gear...?
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| so many bugs and with my coding skills i will do alot better anyways..:)
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| Yes i am making a level up game and no they will not be all even.Higher level characters will get special abilities …
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| I need some strategies for calculating damage for my DBZ game. I dont plan on using strength or defense in it because …
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| Nothing happens to the lib. My screen changes but the lib does not.It continues to show the same image as i posted …
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| role playing?? does that mean that that you live the life of the character? If it does then i dont think that will be …
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| what is beyond #1 problem? its number one problem is that if you take a close look at the forums and type in coder in …
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| and we were never planning on using the codes >_> we making our own thats why we wont be finish till december but now …
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| The Justice Court to DragonBall Z United Nation By by Kaios Incorporation
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| I need to know what you Guyz Love the most The action - MOVES the story quest.....//Sega ..............
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