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| When writing some books on my booksystem I thought up an idea. What about having a website made in byond that could go …
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| I know grr DB and DBZ grrr lol. But why not have 2 seprate sections of the game one DB and one DBZ. So like you play in …
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| Just a thought I had while looking at my clock icon. Why not adjust the icons so it looks like the hand moves every so …
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| I have made a map maker whitch makes coding a little easier since it enters the code into the dm file when you make the …
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| I think I mentioned earlier on the forum that I was going to make a Demo that would show you how too make a website …
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| Im making a map maker have been for some time. And im to the point were I need fetures the the people would want on it …
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| Umm Theodis or someone could you please make Ai computer apponents for the Racing Game Im getting board racing against …
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| I think someone asked me once so I thought I should tell people how. Basically you get a text editor and copy the map …
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| Well out of all the things you could add to make your admin powers to the extreme to make bugs or cheaters not happen …
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| Hello well I was thinking of devising a little book in memory of the old morte. Since I use to play it all the time and …
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| This is to disuce the two ways you could make maps and there ups and downs. *****Random***** Well its automatic so it …
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| Have a space system where once you get to the last turf on one of the sides of the map and you click to go over one …
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| Hmm I dont know just an idea. Maybe someone could make a game that could have one were you get to cut out your own …
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| I was thinking about that lib Shadowdarke made on the isometric movement. Which I think is cool how he did it. But when …
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| How about a mailing database that lets you mail a message on the website and is sent to the persons mail box obj in the …
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| Uhh GL here just to ask you foomer. Uhh are you really going to make a game like Eternal World? and if so when do you …
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| Hmm like having a byond school this summer would be cool. And making a book in html so people could read it and do the …
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| I remember someone posting about a 32x32 croper that would take a whole image and cut it into 32x32 size images. Do any …
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| I was looking at my Roofs demo do too someone saying its bugged. So after looking at it I saw that the opicity for it …
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| I heard a rumor of Morte not being hosted on byond and is getting shut down. Dont know if its true but if it is I want …
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| Could you maybe be able to take a byond game and transfer it to cartrige like Gameboy and then play it just on your …
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| I always thought I was the original Idealer for a Byond Monopoly game. Now im being told im wrong and I want to find …
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| Thats right a bad to the bone dreamscape! You probley thinking Limey what the greens have you been in? Well what about …
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| Like a Byondish Cafepress or should I say a Byondpress O.o. Dont know what I be talking yet well what about having …
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| I was thinking of making a lib that would include a 3D icon maker system and special effects. Say lighting or shading …
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| Well Petz-x has a good game interface. You know with all the petz and summoning spells I think it would make a great …
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| Hmmm I was woundering if a hacker was good enough he would be able to copy the Input code when it pops up and run it …
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| Well WB I havent been able to talk to you since u been busy working on IDA so I hope you get to read this. I havent …
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| Who would like a an application that would let them download the map of the game they are playing?
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| I was woundering if Dantom would let me make a program like this. So it extracts DMI files from the rsc file with a …
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Aug 24 2010, 9:42 am
Why? So you can rip? You fail.