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| Gogeta126 wrote: > is there no utility made by byond proggramers? Sounds a lot like F_People to me except you cannot …
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| Flame Sage wrote: > I'm sure it would be easy enough to add this feature. You have already map stretching north to …
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| Audeuro wrote: > You can alternatively download it here. Simply use wget and put it in your /lib folder. :) Many thanks …
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| I remember a question from a past post that asked how one could create a map that could be composed of multiple map …
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| Where did you learn java? I am just interested in what type of source you learned from.
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| Note: Sorry if this is the wrong place to post a type of message such as this. I want to buy a book on aerodynamics but …
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| Charrr! *With teeth and claws*
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| That sucks. I love the CSS.
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| There have been two monopoly games released in the last year. Byondopoly, and a regular monopoly. The former was a …
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| Texter wrote: > Har har, Lime. I've been focusing on my mid-term for awhile, but that storm is almost past so Morte …
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| But, I did make a key earlier than this one Unknown Person. :)
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| CHARRR! Seen him O.o when where? Hmmmm Kack 01 hm. Hello
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| http://www.gamespot.com/ xbox360/rpg/fable2/ news.html?sid=6158955 I loved Fable, although it pissed me off that it was …
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| *Do to the low amount of time left on my membership I shall try and post as much as I can.* What's a toolkit? A toolkit …
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| Wouldn't it be "0.1 point"? So its plurely because its of a multiple of a base?
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| Shlaklava wrote: > Instead of creating a new thread I decided to use this one... > > > I have been looking for a good …
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| Doesn't it make sense? I mean, would you expect a English major to know and complete incredibly difficult mathematics …
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Aug 24 2010, 9:42 am
Why? So you can rip? You fail.