| I think Martial Art is over rated... theres no paint brushes or canvases nothing to look at. O.o why dont people just …
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| Gokuss4neo wrote: > This thought was triggered by reading AirJoe's post's name. Has anyone played the Jedi Knight 2 mod …
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| My Blender Publisher a 3D modeling program is not working. But before it did all of a sudden today it stoped. Problem …
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| Night/Day and whether effects have now opened a new door. First with night/day effects the use of adding light and dark …
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| The mothball wrote: > no, I was just the host.. How about joining my Dragon Blaze Group I need all the help I can get.
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| I was woundering if it is possible to have a kinda of system like this in Byond. Such as you can dogdge attacks by …
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| *phew* good news I found out its coming back next week on the 7th. At least I think.
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| Acid I think that is a byond key isnt it *shrugs*
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| I would try adding variables for the fishes weight and kind of fish in to. If its a bigger fish or hastyer fish it more …
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| hmm Some people might find offense to your last remarks fuzzy. HEHEHE but I think its just funny.
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| Rare Hunter Lumis wrote: > What would you all think about a BYOND magazine? > > It could have interviews with BYONDers, …
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| That kinda remindes me of this one time I was making a Battle system not to advanced or any thing. And I not knowing …
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| I just simply am not good at drawing. Any one know of any Guides that can teach me how to make good images. I have been …
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| Sariat wrote: > In Super Hero Bash! , (which I plan to start sometime this summer or at least pass it on....) , I plan …
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| Jon88 wrote: > Try to actually get enough money to do either! Making a game hard only adds to the fun level most of the …
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| Jotdaniel wrote: > What the hell does zing hail mean? Its not German ill tell you that much. *shrugs* I just think zing …
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| In case non of you know Petz-x was a rpg made by WildBlood. This game was one of the first and best rpg's based on pets …
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| Mellifluous wrote: > EoE has Day/Night, alot of the players loved having it in. > > Until I get time to get back on …
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| Can any one help me please with my frames with my webpage. www.angelfire.com/empire2/ byond/Essentials/Index.html Thats …
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| Hi its been a long time since I last coded a webpage and I need a little help with my frames on my index.html Page. As …
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| Foomer wrote: > Ensya's that silly graphical chat I put together and quit working on a few years ago. I'm divided on it …
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| DarkView wrote: > Ok, Ive decided that in my game I'll make it so that rather then getting/losing some preset amount of …
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| Instead of using verbs like get or drop or pick_up or Put Down. You could use it all by macros using certain macros to …
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| I think it would be cool to have a website based completely on Icons and images for games. So then you could goto this …
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| Cybermattr wrote: > Sure, it's okay for obliterating "Spy-Ware" (which is probably illegal but I'm not sure). But …
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| Could some one make an addition to abyss's dragons name Gen. so that there is more words like the entire dictionary's …
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| Clowd wrote: > My BS works sorta like a mixed up combination of all those listed here, heh. > > My system is real-time …
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| I started playing a DWM2 game a while back say 7 days ago and I think its not that bad of a game to pass the time with …
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| Yes foomer is always right about artistic stuff. Even though I stink at artist stuff but, Paint Shop Pro is the way to …
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| Kanji wrote: > You have described the Styles of combat, but I have a suggestion. For all three styles of combat, let …
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| &Showing man starting on a mountine looking down at a green field:"Welcome too Aedes, the land as open as the sky! …
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| I agree with what Unowuero wrote. Customization can add stragety to any game. Look at the new Mortal Combat game which …
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| Jotdaniel wrote: > My pentium 3 450 mhz is to slow to run Fenris Apocolypse :( > > Even with all 320 megs of ram, its …
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Aug 24 2010, 9:42 am
Why? So you can rip? You fail.