GooseheadedJoined: Jul 7 2005 What is a drop, compared to the storm? What is a thought, compared to the mind?
Come back to BYOND, Gooose :/
Sep 3 2013, 12:35 am
Gooseheaded wrote:Mar 24 2013, 1:31 pm Hablas espaņol?, Brother hasta donde se Programas en el Dream Marker, necesito contactarte, para preguntarse ciertas cosas sobre este Lenguaje , se programar, pero ahy cosillas que pienso que me Podrias enseņar con respecto a esto, Si lees el comentario comenta por favor. -------------------------------------------------------------- You speak Spanish?, Brother to where the Dream Marker Programs, contact you need to ask a few things about this language, is set but ahy little things that I think I could teach about this, If you read the commentary says please.
Goose, you've made me mad...I've been searching for you everywhere!
Feb 9 2013, 1:29 pm
Ay goose! I think I found a way to do it..Jan 1 2013, 9:40 am GeographGen_2013-01-01_143740.png |
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