| I want to see some game using the web-client thing; are there any using it yet?
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| The game wouldn't be quite as ... free? as a public chatroom. It would be set in an era/atmosphere (e.g …
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| Xooxer wrote: > Strength > Speed > Endurance > Dexterity > Agility > Intelligence > Wisdom > Charisma > Constitution I …
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| [...] You should NEVER go onto a game and use HTML to yell out insults about the game/creator. ~GokuSS4Neo~
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| You said that the main down-side would be people losing their favourite weapon. But surely this would be countered, …
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| Rememeber that sad old git by the name of GokuSS4Neo? Who had the SADDEST possible name? Well guess what? HE IS GONE!!! …
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| My school also had BYOND blocked. But I got a particition going, and asked 100 people from my school to sign it. Of …
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| I think there should be a new forum buttom. A "Return to Page" button. Because if you are searching through something 3 …
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| My computer has been on for the last...since last Tuesday, you do the math. (7 days). I have Windows 98, only 256 ram, …
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| I think it would be pretty sweet to have it like that. Maybe just for narration, a bit like Baldur's Gate. Only problem …
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| WOAH!!! It'd take over an hour to read all of it! And over a week to understand it!!! But I bet it would be [...] …
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| Calm down, calm down! I read his post, and I didn't even read your name in it! Everybody hold hands, close your eyes, …
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| I have been struggling with the question of how much information should you give a player. If you over load him, then …
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| I have now (just now) changed to Mozilla. And I have one question? Where do you enter the web addy? Because when I put …
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| Calm down Silky! If it was your post that was deleted (I didn't see it) jsut post it again, but tone it down a few …
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| I think you took me wrong. When I said newb, I meant in the context of being a newbie, as in being new, and making …
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| Warning of the Day: Do not closely inspect a lawn mower, while your friend goes to check if the switch is on. This …
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| I am thinking of doing a new RPG. Not so much of the Roleplaying where you say what you are doing, because I don't like …
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| Instead of one singular hero, I have a list of my 5 most respected BYONDers! They are: 1.Raekwon 2.Airjoe 3.Wall04 …
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| WOW! The only thing my mum can do one the computer is turn it on, play card games, and do her banking online. She still …
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| I was REALLY ****ING scared the other day, which is rare for me. Normally it's just the surprise factor giving me a …
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| You said you were annoyed with the Staff and Software of BYOND. But you forgot one small thing...IT'S FREE! Therefore …
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| I still have it, as well as many DBZ icons for it (NOT RIPS) and other random icons! ~GokuSS4Neo~ (Contact me at …
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| Ah! I see! Sorry Dantom! I forgot about that :P From now on I shall only check once every 12 hours! ~GokuSS4Neo~
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| If it has tonnes of scratches, thats why! If it doesn't than there is a chance it is a Foreign Import, e.g. If you live …
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| Lol, if the owner died how would he be able to change it? I reckon he just wasn't getting enough funding or didn't have …
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| 15 years of age. When I was 12 I only weighed 39 lbs. I'm such a light-weight! Lol. ~GokuSS4Neo~
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