| I weighed more than my brother and my sister put together! I don't know the exact weight though, but I know they both …
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| Would it be Runescape by Jagex? Cos that is free, but you can become a member and pay monthly for additional stuff! …
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| But I have no way of getting my money onto the net :P I am only 15, and have the crappiest bugget ever! (only £20 a …
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| Congratulations! I just got a new baby sister aswell! I guess it's that time of the year! ~GokuSS4Neo~
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| Operating System: Win 98 Processor Type/Speed: 800 mHz Graphics Card (if you added one): Dunno Ram and ram type: 128MB …
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| Are there any Elitists out there who would be willing to give this a try? I can ensure it would be a great game if done …
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| Isn't just the Width X Height? So you know if it can fit into the right slot in your PC? I don't know for sure, but …
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| I have thought of a new way of doing things. What about this, everytime you use a certain asset, e.g. Your strength, by …
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| I once had a dream that had loads of little leprechauns in, then, (unusually for one of my dreams) they didn't do what …
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| I think you can! I have Windows 98, and a System Restore called SecondChance. It is really great! I got mine on a disk, …
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| It will generally be quite a long battle, because, although the units have little HP, the buildings have quite alot …
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| Damn, I don't really want to get a new e-mail address and everything just for another key. And I don't think BYOND …
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| I think this should actually be on Design Philosophy or Creations, but that's not why I posted :P I think it would be …
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| Lol, guess I didn't! ~GokuSS4Neo~
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| Okay! I had no clue how BYOND worked, so it was onyl a suggestion! ~GokuSS4Neo~ P.s. Would be cool though...lol :P
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| Beyond! That is how I have always pronounced it, and I haven't actually heard it pronounced differently, ever! …
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| I agree with Maz here. IW, you are damn lucky to get off this god-forsaken island! I don't have anything against …
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| You lazy git! Joke! I think it would be cool if we coudl do that! Maybe even choose out of 3 : Developers, Developers …
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| I found Castle Online, and Succe, but I couldn't find any others! Can anyone give me a hint? ~GokuSS4Neo~
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| What about a card tutorial, where you can leave the table, and walk about? As well as play cards? Maybe it's a bit to …
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| You can delete Replies? How? ~GokuSS4Neo~
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