| Descriptive Problem Summary: Every time an update for BYOND is released i have to download directly from the website …
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| I say Madara couze he would use his nubsh hoover no jutsu :p anyways! Voted and reply!
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| Yo! ITs me again =P. Anyway! I got another question for you guys... or rather i want to know your opinion on this... I …
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| Welp, yesterday I bought my X360 with FF13, and its ocming out awasome! Yay! FF13 is a great game you guys should try …
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| Welp what can i say? THe President of my country died today... (10/04/2010) And propably half of you dont even know who …
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| Well It says it in the title, Me and Kayen need an iconer for our game, If your one of thoose and you have no other …
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| Kk so i started this couze i wanna hear your opinions on this, personally i think its the Sage of Six Paths or Madaras …
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| I always wondered what is the jutsu Jiraija was talking about in the firs Arc of Naruto Shippuuden... and Now its …
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| Yeah... Soon im going to get an Super Elite X360 with FF13... Have any of you got it, and if its crap have you got any …
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| When i went into classified ads it seemed to be for people looking for game work so i put it here if a moderator wants …
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| Well I'm really enjoying this browser, yes there is flaws but it loads web pages well and seems to work with all sites …
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| Well today i decided i really needed to sort myself out within the BYOND community so i decided coding. So what i've …
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| Well in the past two weeks i decided to get off my ass, finish my college work and get job which i have done. I'm going …
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| perfection is nothing, because nothing can be perfected, therefore which comes to mind is nothingness perfection may …
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| So yeah i split up with my girlfriend, what i wanted and glad to do it. Also this gives me abit more spare time to get …
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Apr 15 2010, 11:25 pm