| https://i.imgur.com/ d1KwdFI.png Thanks for nothing i guess ill come back if i run into this problem yall talking about
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| Well im glad i had this debate. Cause i would have made a big mistake. I can't even use the word Sayian now. Smh. I …
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| Yurokei wrote: > Hey man! > I think that in a few aspects you are correct; Having a game and its mechanics mapped out …
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| Its seem I was wrong. The term "Pillow Shade" means that the Light soure seems to be between you and the piture. I was …
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| Ok! Asides from a couple of runs. I think to day is my first free day I get to Start my Iconing process. I been iconing …
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| YAWN! Man, its just one of those mornings. Anyways, I'm back, for those who didnt know. I had a little mishap; my …
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| Hey, that's a Good base. I like the style and the work you have done so far. I would like to make a few changes though …
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| A man, That is awesome work really. I like roof, its good you dont need to add to the roof unless you want to. Its got …
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| It looks good over all, legs look short. Shading is the next step for you.
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| Do alittle more detail on the sign maybe do a Modern Pole,the square one with holes. (if modern is what your game is) …
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| I just became a BYOND Member! I'm little Known in the BYOND world, but thats how it should be. I'm here to better my …
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| (Hmmm 2 tile animation. Ah, the old days) First, you dont need 2 tile mobs to show the detail. The different styles in …
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| Ill make you one when i get a chance.
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| Thanks alot. Its hard to find tutorials on water.
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| i been working on some grass icons and i think i need some tips on makeing it look more like grass. help anyone. these …
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| Go back and try just a little harder before you post. Spend, at least, a good hour on it then come back. Try to make it …
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| I would point out some things but it looks like you know what your doing so its pointless.
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| Evil-D123 wrote: > i been working on a Shenron NPC for my dragonball game, so before i do the body i want to get the …
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| A.. that looks nice, your Pritty Good! I hope to see more. (Just make the shading stand out more.)
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| Like the icon, but the animation is weird. The fore foot and the opposite hand so go out together, and with that the …
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| This is my first 1 icon NPC, I think I did good.
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| Hulio-G wrote: > Pretty challenging base there. I'd start looking more into human anatomy (Way too much for me to …
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| The windows are right in your persective. get a picture of the building when go from there. (This is half done, the …
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| gave it a thumb and lower the back of pants other wise good.
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| XxJUICExX wrote: > Well, that's pretty good line art, you should try to design it better, it won't look good ontop of …
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| how do i make animated gifs like that.
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| Ok.. I made some changes, so what'd you think. Better?
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| #1 all of the mobs have the same lenth in neck 2 pixel any shorter there might as well be no neck. The leg are sound, …
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| Making a game is like making a 10,000 piece puzzle. You put together small pictures and fix those to make a big one …
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| Thanks alot! I didnt notice that.
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| I never seen your other work but this 1 is great! ^_^ You got good potential. 1 Thing your shade is awesome. Just the …
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| No, I recently started base mobs. I did my first mob for some Shaman King game but they really didn't stick to the game …
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| I tel myself that too. It's kinda hard for me to do bubble letters on papper yet along pixels. I have to work on that.
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| Yea its for byond. I'm thinking of some animateions to do; you know martal arts a stuff.
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| yea sorry i was in a hurry amd i left the caps on i did think it mattered
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| That's pritty cool, I wish thought of that.
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| I was going to make the panal a hud to conrtol the ship. Press the coordinates and the ship will move to the select …
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| Is putting cars and plains in a dbz game a good idea?
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| On the map thing I'm way ahead of you! In fact I used the map on pojo.com …
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