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| Well, I'll check it out @popisfizzy. I hardly upload images online anymore. Thought I'd upload a couple pictures for …
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| RoxasX-San wrote: > English isn't his first language congratulations on making yourself look like a class A asshole I …
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| Why would you exclude bestbuy? They consistently run weekly deals on their laptops. Not only that, but college sessions …
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| Glad to see some old familiar faces on again.
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| It's not even constructive criticism he provides. It's destructive.
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| The good ole days with the old styled website, the byond dimes system rolling out, the old white pager. Good times.
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| Ok, thanks for your input @GreatFisher. I think I got the trunk to look a little bit less like plastic. On the noise …
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| Lugia. You continue to rant on byond and then you question why byond is supposedly worse and this and that. Someone who …
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| By all means I did not attempt to even suggest that you didnt know the language, what I was trying to say is that the …
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| Hi, I was just curious if there is a way to find a way to get the shadow system to function with the larger sized icons …
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| Hey whats up ss4core. Havn't been on byond in a long time. Just checking in on old people from back in the day. Your …
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| CANT WAIT FOR THIS GAME i have been on byond since 04 and this is one of the only games i can play with out getting …
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| Actually many people thought a lot of the penalties called against the Carinals were controversal(dunno if i spelt that …
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| Who will be the most successful in the mall world? Original game.
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| Yash 69 wrote: > Its all up to Teka i'm not going to be messing around with that until the guild gets flooded with …
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May 15 2013, 6:06 pm
[email protected]