Level Cap
You have reached level 1,000 |
Death of Humanity
You have killed all of the Karakura Town Heroes |
Bleed Out
Survive until hitting 200 wounds |
Instinct Over Thought
You killed 50 Vasto in the Vasto Horde |
Mirror Mirror
You have won the Reigai Event 20 times |
Relentless Ordeal
You have won the Battle Royale 5 times |
Sado Immunity
You have survived La Muerte 100 times |
A New Hero
You have killed 10,000 Hollows |
Fall of Seireitei
You have killed 500 Shinigamis |
Vaizard Executer
You have killed 1,000 Lost Vaizards |
That's It
You have killed 1,000 Final Shinigamis |
Minute-Made Assassin
You have killed 100 players |
Steal The Charge From Either Lab And Make It Back 10 Times |
Fail To Get Your Charge To The Lab |
Hollow Purge 5
Defeat 5,000 Player Hollows. |
Certified for War
Achieve your second battle certification. |
All in a day's work
Use Soul Burial on 1,000 Wandering Souls as a Shinigami. |
All in a day's fill
Devour 1,000 Wandering Souls as a Hollow. |
We can be fast too!
Achieve Shunpo as a Human class. |
On top of the world
Reach or surpass Level 1,000. |
An ocean of power
Use the Sanrei Bow at least 5 times. |
Worthy Challenger
Win 30 Mini-Games on Easy. |
True Rival
Win 30 Mini-Games on Easy and Medium. |
Challenge Master
Win 30 Mini-Games on all the difficulty settings. |
God's Image
Reach or surpass Level 1,600. |
Unstoppable Force