| This has been an outstanding problem for many years, not just my previous two posts and quite frankly, you guys …
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| Crystal_O wrote: > If you are a byond GM can you detele my Account Crystal_O Just an FYI... BYOND Staff will never …
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| Not sure if it's worth it or not, but I'll host this for a while. I have an unused shell so I don't mind putting it to …
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| Well I do need graphic work done for my game... It's unfortunate though because I will not hire anyone for GM …
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| Hey Teka, I was wondering how I can get a rejected HUB reevaluated? Been working on a game of mine for a very long time …
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| Just figured I would let you know... My Naruto game is almost ready for Open Beta, however I am letting people play …
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| Gun, since getting in touch with you seems to be rather impossible, I've gone ahead and done this without talking to …
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| You and me both... I'm an original duelist from when the real card game first hit America... I have collected thousands …
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| Thank you for proving my point.
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| Very bad ass. I loved the Battle Network games. If your interested, I can put this on my shell server for 24/7 hosting …
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| Windows XP and BYOND 3.5... That takes me back to the good ol' days... Long, long ago before Windows and BYOND took a …
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| Whatever dude... If this were my HUB, I would manually merge your posts and warn you about it... Oh well... I'm done …
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| I can get you a shell for 24/7 hosting when your ready.
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| Been a long time. How ya doin?
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| It's hosted 24/7, so feel free.
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| The Almighty Teka is here!!! Hip-Hip-Hurrah!
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| I learned from a source, so I can tell you from experience... Don't do it that way. Read the tutorials and learn it the …
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| @Chaokai You wont learn shit from other peoples work. All that's called is copy and paste. Your not actually "learning" …
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| This would be a good game if the NPC's didn't spam the same card over and over and never run out of cards...
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| Thank you... Alot less annoying now.
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| DMO was great when it was the original game... This new shit he's doing to it is no fun...
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| The lag this game has is so sever it's not worth playing...
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| Only on the new HUB because they refuse to return the source to Ghost-NiN...
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| We have a new HUB page and the game is online and registered under the new HUB …
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| I made my first key in 2001 as well. Back then I had no clue as how to code or anything. After spending so long with …
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| Your tutorials are only copied coding from the Mystic Journey source by Johan411... Stop taking credit for shit you …
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| This is a pretty badass game. Once i'm finished with my pixel artist and graphic artist, i'll see if there willing to …
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| If you got props from "The Teka"... I'd keep up the hard work. Not everyday "he" leaves a comment. lol
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| The owner/creator of this game is a nice guy, but the people who host the side servers are stupid, incompetent ass …
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| Very nice work. Impressive on how you were able to incorporate flash into a BYOND game. Nice job.
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| Excellent. I'll be using this. This is definitely a great help for the game i'm working on.
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| Try clearing your cache folder...
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| If your referring to your pager, "File >>> Preferences >>> Alerts".
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| This game seems to have potential, but to be honest, I can't really play this. It lags far to much for me to enjoy it.
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| SmashTiger wrote: > Genesismagician wrote: > > Probably because he does have horrible grammar. lol > > Is it kind of …
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| I'm thoroughly impressed to see a Fullmetal Alchemist game hit BYOND. If you need any help, let me know. The only thing …
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| Perhaps you should stop your stupid players from spamming your hub link in other games. Besides, i've tried your game …
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| I'm not sure if this is an issue or not, but when I try modifying my HUB for my game, i'm attempting to add …
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