| I haven't played with PHP in a while. Pretty slick what you can do with it.
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| Schnitzelnagler wrote: > Geldonyetich wrote: > > Prior to this, I knew not of this Snagler fellow. > > Hmm, strange, we …
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| Well, surely there's some prestige in taking the effort to register! ;)
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| Personally, I'm under the philosophy that dumbing down a game isn't necessary, so long as you're willing to undergo the …
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| Shinkaru wrote: > Apparently the BYOND hivemind doesn't like it when people state their opinions. It's natural for …
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| Tiberath wrote: > Glass Fleet for something... different. Thanks for the recommendation, I'll keep an eye out for it …
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| Tiberath wrote: > Geldonyetich wrote: > > It's alright if your monitor wants to smoke some pot. > > Go make yourself a …
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| Looking good. Looks like I've reached about the threshold of what you'd like to make implicit from the interface alone …
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| Good idea, LordTroy, you should probably get it amputated.
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| The arrows make good sense in that they explained who the winner was, and because I'm seeing it clearly pointed out I'm …
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| Hulio-G wrote: > This argument is like wisdom(Geldon) vs smarts(Garthor). You two never really speak the same game. An …
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| Could be. I think it's relatively fair to say that, if you give a person a line of different icons, they're going to …
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| Looks like we're in general agreement about the way to go about it is a focus on immersion. Cody123100 wrote: > …
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| Keep up the good work! Oh, and don't tell us too much. Harboring a neat surprise is oft a good incentive to continue …
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| Thanks for touching base with us, glad to hear that the surgery went well. Of course, the recovery from any invasive …
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| Good to hear! It might be a maddening quest, but simply striving to better the craft seems worthwhile enough.
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| GSD: Get Something Done. It was a little context IainPeregrine was running that ends today: …
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| You never actually played Lode Wars, did you? A pity.
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| My GSDC'10 entry grinds to a close.
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| Dig for ore, upgrade your mech.
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| S:MGC is a fun little show, but Tutu is masterpiece enough to be on Anime News Network's top 100 animes of all genres - …
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| I caught em' when they were being showed on Escapist. They're not half bad, but I think they should consider shortening …
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| I would respond with, "there's nothing to fear but fear itself." And it's an important saying to remember in that fear …
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| Even if I ended up submitting what I have today, I'll definitely send you something before June 1st. Current plan for …
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| Oh nos! My negative account balance is in jeopardy!
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| IainPeregrine wrote: > Get back in the grove. > Decide what absolutely must be finish for a 1.0 release. > Table the …
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| If they included F.E.A.R. 2, I'd say that'd be a great deal. As it is... well, F.E.A.R. and its two expansions are sort …
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| Teaser video is up. D4RK3 54B3R wrote: > Any chance we will see indigenous lifeforms living in some open caverns? One …
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| As we say here in the states, "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." We create tutorials for …
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| Luis232 wrote: > is this game fun This isn't a game. It's part of a tutorial on how to use BYOND to create custom …
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| Dollars to donuts, some 4Chan denizen did that as a joke. It's not all that hard to do, you can point a domain to …
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| Ooh, that sucks dude, I sympathise. Personally, I'm so paranoid about that I keep my important projects backed up …
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| Given that small enemy and puzzle concepts is your main focus of research here, I can see why you choose the ones you …
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| Mecha Destroyer JD wrote: > This is a little random but he played Bleach? 0_0 Heh, I thought the same thing when …
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| I'm having the same thoughts myself. I just finished a usability class where apparently the mantra between all the …
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| I'm not sure what genre to call my game, to be sure. It's really more like Drone. Sure, there's you running and …
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| Hats off to you. Here's hoping you successfully kick the habit and keep off the cancer sticks for the rest of your life.
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| Sounds to me like you need some Real Ultimate Power
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| An ugly but effective interface emerges. I gear up for what I hope will be a week of uninterrupted development.
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| I was wondering why IainPeregrine put "yay" next to Frostburn on his breakdowns of the rankings. From the sounds of …
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| From what I hear about the movie, imitation is the least if its troubles.
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| Tiberath wrote: > Do what I do, move onto writing DM tutorials. =D Ah, I think I've heard of that, the "those who …
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| It's not terribly good music anyway. It's passably inoffensive to the human ear, though in most cases just barely. I'd …
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| Though my thing is usually more techno/trance, I can see it's a pretty good medium there.
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| Sounds a bit like my development life, to be honest. For each project release, tens or hundreds more languish in the …
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Mar 1 2012, 12:47 am