4 |
| Amongst the armchair generals in the world, is there any with loftier ideals than responding rapidly with an …
6 |
| Hey - nice aerial view of some prime randomly generated virtual reality real estate! A pity I can't see my house from …
27 |
| Dwarf Fortress & SomethingAwful had a beautiful baby named Boatmurdered. Things aren't looking good for Dungeon …
5 |
| A boring wall of text where I ponder which direction to go with my game on one hand and ponder why it is my family …
6 |
| Where can I find the fun in RPG anymore after I've become bored of the same old potion-swigging and auto-attack combat? …
1 |
| I give up. Lets get something done, instead.
8 |
| Just in case you're looking for excuses as to how I wasted my Spring break.
0 |
| I intended to work all week on my game. I didn't even play that many games (though I did dabble a little with Space …
7 |
| So, what do I mean by "done right?"
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| My weekly summation of what I've been up to and what I'd like to be up to in terms of developing games.
7 |
| Pretty much what it says on the tin.
2 |
| A simple-to-use A* Pathing implementation
5 |
1 |
| Pure awesome begins to coalesce upon the surface of my mind. However, will it merely disperse beneath the pressures of …
0 |
| Cudgeling the face of gamekind with my bored brain.
3 |
| Have I nailed how you can bring a sense of true purpose to your virtual world?
6 |
| Years ago, I evaluated World of Warcraft and found it lacking in an important MMORPG fundamental... only to be …
8 |
| Alas, no pretty pictures or videos this time around, just scary paragraphs.
8 |
| It's a joke post. I think.
9 |
| Man, if this is how game design is like, how does Sid Meyer even get up in the morning without spending 5 hours …
2 |
| Wall-O-Text about what I might do provided I'm not struck by lightning. Included: off-topic videos to break the …
4 |
| My 3 weeks free for development (about 1 actually spent developing) are up. How did things shake out?
0 |
| An update screenshot and gaint wall-of-text about all the beneath-the-skin changes I did to Project Shock this week.
0 |
| There's neither face nor palm big enough to express this travesty of time wasting.
2 |
| The project may have changed, but my weekly progress report routine has not.
2 |
| I'm really going to start developing this time. Just watch. Here I go. Any second now. Oh, by the way, let me tell …
2 |
| The subtle humiliation runs deep... come spare a laugh at my expense.
4 |
| Wherein I detail a new game I expect to have out before New Year's at the rate it's going.
6 |
| Wherein I figure out what it really takes to develop elaborate games on BYOND or anywhere else.
4 |
| Wherein I whine prolifically about why I haven't finished a game yet.
6 |
| If you know what you're doing, you can probably put together a game in BYOND in weeks, or even days. Not me, baby, I'm …
2 |
| Where, after months of puttering around, I finaly admit that Jesse Schell was right to suggest that before you can …
4 |
| Am I being true to myself or inventing a whole new level of delusion? It's honestly hard to say. Anywho, another …
2 |
| Dropships turn out to be something you may or may not actually end up seeing in the release version of the game.
5 |
| It's turning out to be an eventful winter for me, as I settle in for having a week off and consider what directions …
0 |
2 |
| Extensive "research" in Egosoft's X3 leaves me with a sense as to what really bothers me about a direction in my own …
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| Gaming giants in the world intervene to put me off development... but how long can their siren's song really hold me?
0 |
| Thoughts of directions to go that make me balk at what I've got myself into. Lengthy dissing of Egosoft's X3: Reunion.
3 |
| I actually get to do an official update on my ongoing project this week. Includes perhaps the first real look at the …
2 |
| I'm not really intending to do daily updates on my project, but hey, it's easier than coding. Now including a poll …
5 |
| Sure enough, I'm back in the BYOND development gig, apparently picking up where I left off on my old project from 2 …
16 |
| Why I can't seem to settle for keeping things simple.
7 |
| I figure I owe you a weekly progress update, but it seems what I'm delivering this week is the kind of "what I've been …
2 |
| Work it harder, make it better Do it faster, makes us stronger More than ever hour after Our work is never over
8 |
| Mostly Champions Online talk with a sprinkling of RL antics and a tiny hint at the direction my BYOND project might be …
9 |
| No - I didn't work on my BYOND project last week. Happy?
5 |
| I bet the hotdogs here would be awesome, but the damn vendor just stands there.
11 |
| Hey, Boys And Girls, It's Movie Time.
7 |
Mar 1 2012, 12:47 am