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| Why we choose to do the things we do is a mystery I've yet to crack. It's interesting how little sway I notice I have …
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| Wherein I lay down a scientific examination of levels of productivity in order to justify my lack of it following a …
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| Coincidentally, water quality was a question I was looking at over the past couple hours when I noticed it seemed to …
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| I appreciate your concern. A heartfelt entreaty for me to stop dicking around and release something. You know I can do …
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| I've been largely stalled in development since shortly after writing that entry. The resulting writer's block has been …
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| In retrospect, "advanced" is a bit of am ambiguous word. Having looked at the cave crawler source code before, I see …
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| Glad to hear you're branching out instead of shutting down. Yes, it sounds like some exciting changes are coming to …
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| I guess putting a lot of intricate details into a finer element is one of the pleasures of crafting your own games. :P …
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| That makes $10, plus tax, Steam got out of me today. Still, I hope you enjoy Archon. ;)
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| Sure beats my list of what I accomplished in 2010: A whole lot of cognitive dissonance.
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| Wow, the flash client came as a surprise, and is pretty interesting. Means anyone who doesn't want to download the …
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| I've still some pretty big decisions to make along the lines of what, exactly, the player is doing here, but my skills …
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| To understand the problem, you need to understand the cause. Basically, many people blunder through life with little …
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| Ah, I think that might be what happened - the thing is, I was hitting all the cursors at the time trying to get a …
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| Rapid progress is being made on my game development. Just which direction it seems to be going is anyone's guess, as …
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| It's a fool's errand to make recommendations about entertainment without having any clue what that person likes.
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| Toadfish wrote: > In other words around 2012. It's all so obvious now - the fiery apocalypse the Mayans predicted was …
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| And, of course, as soon as I announce this, I head over to Roguebasin and see this, was released two days ago, and …
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| Damn, what is it with Gall Bladder removals and people I know recently? My brother had his gall bladder out a couple …
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| Acebloke wrote: > Space travel, colonisation and conquest is something I want to do, but its a billion years away in …
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| How I'll often do skin controls is building the verb into something other than the object itself, usually the client …
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| What's the greatest enemy for a reasonably creative fellow? Not lack of good ideas, but chronic indecision between …
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| One day, I too shall have finished games to increment the awesome of. ;)
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| Glad to hear you enjoyed the read. ;) Writing this blog entry was procrastinating, though, albeit perhaps a good focus …
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| Toadfish wrote: > Geldonyetich wrote: > > Lucky me - I was stumped! But I'm sort of getting back in development gear …
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| If not during our lifetime, hopefully there's access to compiler in the afterlife. ;P Hah, if your name makes you a …
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| Heh, that is a nice Transformers parody, takes me way back. SuperAntx wrote: > Really, it's the perfect show for anyone …
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| I'm one of the greater naysayers of my own ideas, but oddly enough, it doesn't seem so very impossible for me. I think …
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| I wonder if you ran into that post the same way I did: when Notch announced he's a new artist hired for Minecraft …
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| +1 "Idiot" Response: Personally, I thought it was a bit lowbrow to put down "girls" as an "interest" as well. I get the …
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| I talk a bit about my Cartridge Classic II project and what I've been down with over the past month.
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| I certainly believe you've still got the cough if you had the same nasty-arse cold I've been fighting lately. The …
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| I don't think DM really intends to compete with Java. It's remarkably advanced for what it's intended to do: allow …
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| Good suggestions here. An 8K Roguelike sounds fairly early. I'd have a harder time keeping the size down than anything …
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| Toadfish wrote: > Forum_account wrote: > > > > var/n = noise_value(x,y) > > > > if(n > 0.5) > > // mountains > > else …
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| Tiberath wrote: > $100.00 prize says you'll submit something. Maybe if I can come up with something novel that the …
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| Not the first time I've seen it. It is indeed a pretty solid idea.
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| Calus CoRPS wrote: > So what may I suggest? I have yet to come across the ideal solution, but I do have a …
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| Though it's a little rough around the edges, Easy A Star would likely be a useful contribution. Granted, Theodis's …
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| You should have probably asked that directly if that's really want you wanted to know. The thing is, polling to see how …
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| On one hand, it's good to put a lot of premeditation into the needs your game will have on your code. On the other …
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| That, and it's a pretty solid way to try to get people to notice your game. They watched or played this IP somewhere …
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| @Toadfish Yeah, I agree that a lot of it has to do with luck to get noticed. The bigger point I'm trying to make here …
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| @ACWraith I resemble that remark. @Forum_account Games being a microcosm to life, I suppose any rule is going to have …
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| There's certainly a lot of armchair hecklers on the Internet who figure a small pocketful of information they heard on …
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Mar 1 2012, 12:47 am