
Joined: Dec 17 2009


Medals Gasilva2009 has earned

[Only favorite games] [Medals left to earn]

Dragonball Supremacy


Earned on Feb 1 2019, 4:49 pm


Become a Combatant!

Earned on Feb 1 2019, 4:49 pm

Beginner's Luck

Earned on Feb 1 2019, 4:54 pm

Dragonball WWA

Saiyan Trainers

Complete the Tutorial

Earned on Sep 17 2017, 10:37 am

Z-Fighters Take A Stand

Complete the 2nd Story Mission

Earned on Sep 17 2017, 10:39 am


Talk to King Kai for the first time

Earned on Sep 17 2017, 10:41 am

Great Ape Prowess

Complete the 3rd Story Mission

Earned on Sep 17 2017, 10:51 am

Vegeta Falls

Complete the 4th Story Mission

Earned on Sep 17 2017, 10:54 am

Breaking Out!

Complete the 5th Story Mission

Earned on Sep 17 2017, 10:57 am

Alien Duo

Complete the 6th Story Mission

Earned on Sep 17 2017, 11:02 am

Beauty in the Beast

Complete the 7th Story Mission

Earned on Sep 17 2017, 11:05 am

The Ginyu Force

Complete the 8th Story Mission

Earned on Sep 17 2017, 11:09 am

The Real Goku

Complete the 9th Story Mission

Earned on Sep 17 2017, 11:15 am

Cold-Hearted Frieza

Complete the 10th Story Mission

Earned on Sep 17 2017, 11:20 am

Namek Finale

Complete the 11th Story Mission

Earned on Sep 17 2017, 11:21 am

Naruto New Beginnings


Earned on Mar 6 2017, 10:07 pm


Earned on Mar 7 2017, 7:42 pm


Heroes United

Been There, Done That

Login to the Game

Earned on Mar 6 2017, 9:53 am


Naruto Zoes Brasil

Vila de Konoha

Earned on Nov 10 2013, 3:11 am

Vila da Areia

Earned on Nov 10 2013, 4:33 am


Final Fight

Sound Ninja

You have started out as a Sound Ninja.

Earned on Dec 14 2011, 5:16 am

Leaf Ninja

You have started out as a Leaf Ninja.

Earned on Dec 14 2011, 5:32 am


Use Byakugan for the first time.

Earned on Dec 14 2011, 5:51 am

Space Station 13 Medals



Earned on Aug 12 2010, 2:19 pm


Time for counseling?

Earned on Nov 12 2011, 6:07 pm

Rookie Thief


Earned on Nov 12 2011, 6:26 pm

It'sa me, Mario

Earned on Nov 12 2011, 6:29 pm


Some places just can't take the pain.

Earned on Nov 12 2011, 6:29 pm

Suspicious Character

Just who was that man, with the plan?

Earned on Nov 12 2011, 6:36 pm

Pokemon Challenger

Beta Tester

A genuine beta tester!

Earned on Jan 21 2010, 4:11 am