Gabriel muller

Joined: Jan 29 2009

Medals Gabriel muller has earned

[Only favorite games] [Medals left to earn]

Money Runner: Will you be the richest?

OVER 9000!

Gather enough money to equal over 9000 pennies!

Earned on Jan 27 2019, 11:49 pm


Pokémon Online World


Earned on Jul 17 2018, 3:36 am


Dragonball Supremacy


Earned on Jan 29 2017, 10:20 am


Become a Combatant!

Earned on Jan 29 2017, 10:32 am


Pokemon Renewed From Dust


Get a Medal just for Logging in :D

Earned on Mar 25 2015, 3:00 pm

Bulbasaur Fan

Join the Tree Slashing Grass Club by choosing Bulbasaur as your Starter!

Earned on Mar 25 2015, 3:02 pm

Squirtle Fan

Join the Squirtle Squad by Chosing Squirtle as your Starter!

Earned on Mar 25 2015, 3:02 pm

Charmander Fan

Join the Blazing Fire Club by Choosing Charmander as your Starter!

Earned on Mar 25 2015, 3:02 pm


Pokemon: Shadows of Darkness

I've played PSD!

Congratulations you've played Pokemon: Shadows of Darkness!

Earned on Mar 25 2015, 2:16 pm


Digimon Tamers Classic

Newbie Tamer

Log into Digimon Tamers

Earned on Feb 5 2014, 7:22 am


Reach a Tamer Level of 5

Earned on Feb 5 2014, 7:29 am


Space Station 13 Medals



Earned on Sep 16 2011, 5:52 pm


Time for counseling?

Earned on Sep 16 2011, 5:54 pm


Final Fight

Sound Ninja

You have started out as a Sound Ninja.

Earned on Aug 28 2011, 1:38 pm

Leaf Ninja

You have started out as a Leaf Ninja.

Earned on Jan 24 2015, 10:16 am


Heroes United 2


Login to the Game

Earned on Aug 4 2011, 9:11 am


Dragonball Z Ultimate Fighters 2

First Timer

Connect to the game for the first time.

Earned on Feb 17 2011, 3:06 am


Naruto Brasil Online


Earned on Nov 19 2010, 9:57 am