
Joined: Aug 4 2007

Just take the leap. Your wings will take over.


Jul 24 2012, 6:05 pm
Where are you??? :(
Feb 27 2011, 4:30 am
your games great maaann :}
Sep 15 2010, 8:22 pm
Hey There!! Thanks for the comments!
GpaigeG, I'm not updating anytime soon. At least not until there's a good server for beta 1.4, then I'll start working on 1.5
And Domdadven, sure I need a host. But we'll have to test ur server with 1.3 first. Then we'll talk about making u official. For now just host with the 1.3 files in the hub and when I see ur serv on, I'll log in and we'll talk
Aug 18 2010, 9:49 am
er not to be rude, dude.
but where are yooou?! :L
this updates taaking like years.. xx
Aug 14 2010, 12:45 pm
Wattattatta wrote:
lol me either but when you host why cant anyone play GpaigeG?
i dont actually know. thats been happening for ageeees! seriously, my sister cant join mine either so it must be my byond or something:S sorry! xxx

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Gaboswsttj's Games
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